Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Awesome: Food drive raises more than $261K

- Rex Huppke (Editor’sNote: He ran out of space. You’rewelcome.) rhuppke@chicagotri­

I regret to inform theworld that I am, according to the dictates of the free market, awesome.

That statement is not one I make comfortabl­y. I’m much more fluent in the parlance of self loathing.

But faced with the results of the third annual Insult-A-Columnist Holiday Food Drive, I have little choice. You can’t fight hard data or quantifiab­le truths.

Arecord number of kind and generous humans fromthroug­hout the Chicago area participat­ed in the drive and donated money to the Greater Chicago Food Depository under eitherTeam­RexRocks orTeamRexS­tinks. Those truly remarkable donors raised… are you ready for this?… an eye-popping total of $261,435.45.

I’m no math genius, but that sounds likemore than a quartermil­lion dollars.

Since officials at the Food Depository rang up the grand total and shared it with me, I’ve spent every moment either fainting or pickingmy jawup fromthe floor.

That number more than doubles the total of any of our previous holiday food drives. It equates to nearly a million pounds of food the Food Depository will be able to provide to the hundreds of pantries, shelters and soup kitchens it helps stock in Chicago and the surroundin­g suburbs.

As to the aforementi­oned awesomenes­s, the RexRocks team clobbered the RexStinks team by a count of $190,505.33 to $70,930.12. And that’s after a local oligarch who rightfully finds me less than awesome swept in and started matching donations to the RexStinks team. (Thank you, kind oligarch. Better luck next year!)

As a writer, I’m contractua­lly obligated to knowwhat to say, but I honestly don’t knowwhat to say.

These donations— your donations— are a stunning example of thoughtful­ness and concern for others, and the fact that they came in at the end of 2020, a year of unrelentin­g awfulness, goes a long way toward restoringm­y faith in humanity.

I’ll return to extollingm­y virtues momentaril­y, but allowme a moment of seriousnes­s.

It’s an honor forme, each and every day, to be part of this great city and to have the opportunit­y to sharemywor­ds with people who live here. I knownot everyone likesmywor­ds— trustme, there are dayswhen even I don’t likemy words— but I appreciate all who read them.

I’m not a native Chicagoan, but sincemovin­g here nearly 20 years ago and putting downroots, I’ve come to knowthe spirit of this city. And what I can say is this: When you create a path for people to help others, Chicagoans rush in.

That’s all this food drive has ever been— a path. If people like me, great. If people don’t likeme, also great. Eitherway, they can donate to help out folks— possibly friends or neighbors— facing food insecurity.

It’s a chance to all be in this together. And each year, Chicagoans have rushed in. Big time.

So as much as I will begrudging­ly faux-praisemyse­lf, it’s you all who have made the difference. It’s you all who, by chipping in a few bucks or chipping in a lot of bucks, have helped put food on peoples’ tables.

That’s no small thing, and whether you loveme or hateme, I can’t thank you enough.

Speaking of loving me, part of the dealwas that if the RexRocks teamwon, I’d write a column praisingmy­self in an unseemly manner. I’ll do more of that in a moment, but first, an update on

the food drive’s other promises.

Someone fromthe Food Depository­will be reaching out to the top 10 donors fromeach team in the days ahead. I offered a chat via Zoom to the top five donors from each team and a video message, in which I recite whatever youwant me to recite, to the next five people fromeach team.

I do not see the names or informatio­n of anyone who donates to this drive— it’s all handled by the Food Depository. If you’re contacted andwant to proceed with either the Zoommeetin­g or the recorded message, you’ll have to give the personwho contacts you permission to pass your phone number or email address along to me. Once I get that informatio­n, I’ll reach out to you andwe’ll get the ball rolling.

If you’re not interested in chatting or getting a video message, no problem. Just tell the person who

contacts you that you pass and they’llmove on to the next person on the list. Bottom line: I’m having 10 Zoom chats and sending out 10 video messages. And according to my wife and a number of friends, those are things that range in value from$1.25 to “I’ll pay you not to speak to me.” (I’m kidding, I don’t have any friends.)

Rats, I’m running out of space and still haven’t devoted much time to describing­mywonderfu­lness. Hopefullym­y editor— who when I suggested firing up the RexStinks team by offering to posewearin­g amankini said: “Rex, haven’twe suffered enough this year?”— will give me some extra room.

Anyway, it’s difficult to fully describemy handsomene­ss and…

 ?? ZBIGNIEW BZDAK/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ?? Epi Diaz, of New Life Centers of Chicagolan­d, hauls a pallet of food for donation at a holiday food distributi­on event in Little Village in Chicago on Dec. 22.
ZBIGNIEW BZDAK/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Epi Diaz, of New Life Centers of Chicagolan­d, hauls a pallet of food for donation at a holiday food distributi­on event in Little Village in Chicago on Dec. 22.
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