Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Your job search may seem like a solo effort but support is out there

- — Marco Buscaglia, Careers

Being unemployed is tougher but it’s tougher if you think you’re struggling through it alone.

Melanie Nelson, a career coach in Indianapol­is, says it’s easy to let a bad situation get worse, especially when you’re lacking a network of friends or colleagues who would lend their support. “It’s difficult to go through anything alone but a job search can be especially hard,” says Nelson, a former HR specialist for General Motors. “You lose confidence by the day and every potential job that doesn’t pan out seems like a direct insult. You’re especially vulnerable and if you don’t have someone who can help keep you focused and offer some structure and support, you’re going to have an especially difficult time.”

For those job-seekers who are already feeling isolated from others, a few unanswered queries or interviews that end up with no job offers can be especially devastatin­g. “It’s like being in a hole and then that hole gets bigger. You forget that there are others in the same position as you,” Nelson says. “There are always others who can help. You have to extend a hand.”

Nelson says even in the dark times, it’s important to keep a clear head and to seek out assistance. “There are so many resources available to people who are dealing with anxiety or depression or a general feeling of malaise,” she says. “The first thing you have to do is realize that you’re in over your head. If you are waking up in the middle of the night completely stressed out or having panic attacks, it’s essential that you seek some assistance.”

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