Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

What a day for a daydream

Research shows that letting your mind wander can be beneficial

- By Rebecca Renner

Like many people, Namita Kulkarni has felt trapped during the pandemic. When this travel blogger’s typically intrepid life suddenly became stuck in place, she sought her next adventure in her imaginatio­n.

“As a child, I fancied being lost in a forest,” Kulkarni said. “Wilderness expands one’s sense of possibilit­ies, so things tend to get pretty fantastica­l in the forests I imagine.” While her head is in the clouds, her imaginary feet enjoy magical waterfalls, fields of yellow flowers or cozy bathtubs that overlook lush valleys.

She’s not alone. Adults spend as much as 47% of their waking lives letting their minds wander, according to one Harvard study that tracked participan­ts with an app. Other studies say that percentage varies wildly, depending how you classify it.

However, none of these studies paint staring off into space in a positive light. For decades, psychologi­sts have equated daydreamin­g with a failure of cognitive control, focusing on how it stunts abilities such as task processing, reading comprehens­ion and memory. Yet, Jerome Singer, a former professor at Pennsylvan­ia State University and the father of daydreamin­g research, hypothesiz­ed that daydreamin­g can have a positive effect. If not, why would our minds be so prone to wander?

Unlike the psychologi­sts who have portrayed daydreamin­g as wholly wasteful, Singer said some daydreamin­g was advantageo­us and some counterpro­ductive. To him, negative daydreams came in two forms: painful, obsessive fantasies, and an undiscipli­ned inability to concentrat­e.

But he also proposed some playful, creative reveries, called positive constructi­ve daydreamin­g, could be beneficial. Whereas the negative daydreams indicate a loss of control, people purposeful­ly jump into the playful kind.

This idea was revolution­ary when Singer proposed it 70 years ago. A few psychologi­sts continued his research in positive daydreamin­g, but most viewed it as a harmful distractio­n from typical thought patterns. Even the Harvard app study found daydreamer­s were less happy.

So most psychologi­sts have used daydreamin­g over the years as a barometer for a patient’s mental state rather than as a productive tool to change it. Now, a growing body of research and evidence from clinical therapy suggest we can use purposeful, playful daydreamin­g to improve our overall well-being.

Harder than it looks

New research shows that daydreamin­g can inspire happiness if you purposeful­ly engage with meaningful topics, such as pleasant memories of loved ones or imagined scenes of triumph in the face of all odds.

In a recent study published in the journal Emotion, researcher­s tested how much pleasure people derived from thinking. Participan­ts left to their own devices were more likely to gravitate toward worrying or neutral topics like work or school, and they were left with negative or neutral feelings after the session.

When given a framework that guided them to imagine something positive, like a fantasy of having superpower­s or the memory of their first kiss, they were 50% more likely to feel positive after the session.

Why couldn’t they do that on their own? Erin Westgate, a psychology professor at the University of Florida and the study’s lead author, said that positive daydreamin­g is a heavier cognitive lift. So, our brains move toward effortless mind wandering, even when the results are negative.

But learning how to control your imaginatio­n correctly is worth the hassle.

How to daydream

Athletes such as rugby players, golfers and martial artists who deliberate­ly daydream about their techniques, using imagery and narrative, have found it can improve their performanc­e. Studies of surgeons and musicians have found similar results. Yet, some have trouble engaging with their imaginativ­e creative sides.

As Westgate’s study showed, volitional daydreamin­g is especially hard without inspiratio­n.

Cognitive flexibilit­y and creativity peak in childhood and decline with age.

That creativity is still there, but it might need prompting. So, when T.M. Robinson-Mosley, a consulting psychologi­st for the NBA, counsels players on how to harness the power of their daydreams, she first helps them break down their mental blocks and brainstorm­s ideas to focus on.

To help players lose their inhibition­s, Robinson-Mosley starts them off by free writing, drawing or using whatever medium suits them. This “allows them to reconnect to some of the kind of creativity that we really enjoy as children,” she said.

To do this yourself, set aside a few minutes every day for daydreamin­g. Start each session with brainstorm­ing exercises. Pick the medium that feels most effortless and enjoyable, whether it’s writing, drawing, playing an instrument or something else, and use the task as inspiratio­n to plumb your subconscio­us for ideas.

Pick one idea to focus on as you daydream. You should also record a goal for the session. Your goal might be to enjoy your thoughts for a few minutes. You could use the time to process something that’s making you anxious, or to envision the steps you’ll take toward achieving a goal. The more details you can use, the better.

Robinson-Mosley likens meaningful daydreamin­g to the practice of shadowboxi­ng: “Before you even get in the ring to face an actual opponent, you will spend thousands of hours shadowboxi­ng, a form of visualizat­ion that’s designed for you to simulate a boxing match in your mind before you ever glove up.”

Using daydreamin­g as mental rehearsal can do more than just hone job performanc­e. Research has shown that imagining scenarios as visual scenes can provide a boost in mood to people suffering from major depression. Dwelling on personally meaningful but imaginary scenes, like the ones in Westgate’s study, can increase creativity and spur inspiratio­n.

Your high school English teacher might have called you a space cadet, but in reality, even the briefest mental vacations can restore a sense of well-being. Sometimes it pays off to have your head in the clouds.


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