Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Unanimousl­y divided

Reactions to acquittal reflect political polarizati­on

- By Bill Ruthhart

In the run-up to Kyle Rittenhous­e’s murder trial, legal experts cautioned that no matter which way the verdict fell, larger political conclusion­s should not be drawn from the case.

But in a highly-politicize­d and polarized America, that’s exactly what transpired after Rittenhous­e was found not guilty on all counts Friday afternoon.

Elected leaders and pundits on the right declared the verdict a victory for gun rights and the use of self-defense and a defeat for media entities they argued had unfairly smeared Rittenhous­e.

“God Bless America!” U.S. Rep. Mary Miller, a Republican from central Illinois, tweeted moments after the verdict. “Never surrender your Second Amendment right to defend yourself and your family.”

Many on the left decried the verdict as a travesty that allowed a white teenager toting an AR-15style rifle to walk free after killing two demonstrat­ors and wounding a third amid the chaotic fallout of the Kenosha police shooting of Jacob Blake. Some progressiv­es doubted the same verdict would have been afforded to a defendant of color.

“In Black and Latino communitie­s, we have long known that there’s a different set of rules for white Americans,” Democratic U.S. Rep. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia said in a statement. “The Kyle Rittenhous­e verdict is further proof. Our justice system is broken.”

U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush called the verdict “a horrible decision and a miscarriag­e of justice.”

“It sends a horrible message to those who are exercising their First Amendment rights,” said Rush, a Democrat whose district

is centered on Chicago’s South Side. “It is clear that the decks were stacked against the truth in this case. But I remain fully persuaded that truth will ultimately prevail.”

In a statement, President Joe Biden said “the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included.” Still, Biden said, “We must acknowledg­e that the jury has spoken.”

By contrast, former Republican President Donald Trump issued a celebrator­y statement Friday evening.

“Congratula­tions to Kyle Rittenhous­e for being found INNOCENT of all charges,” Trump said. “It’s called being found NOT GUILTY — And by the way, if that’s not self-defense, nothing is!”

Before the trial began, John Gross, director of the Public Defender Project at the University of Wisconsin Law School, said that in such high-profile cases politician­s, pundits and the public often “try to hold up criminal cases as a symbol of something.”

Gross said sometimes that’s the case, as when the conviction of Harvey Weinstein came to symbolize the #MeToo movement. But he cautioned the Rittenhous­e case was not that type of trial.

“I try to remind people that what’s on trial in a criminal case isn’t a political viewpoint. It’s not movement. It’s not our history. It’s not our future,” Gross said. “What’s on trial? A criminal case is a person and that person’s specific actions to the extent that people want to extrapolat­e meaning from a particular verdict.”

“Often times criminal cases don’t lend themselves to being some referendum on a particular movement or viewpoint,” he said. “And this is one of those cases that I don’t think is necessaril­y transferab­le.”

In speaking to reporters after the trial, Rittenhous­e’s attorney Mark Richards agreed larger conclusion­s shouldn’t be drawn from the verdict.

“I don’t think it’s that kind of case,” Richards said. “Is it ever going to happen again? Is there ever going to be a total unrest in Kenosha or some other city and that’s going to happen? I just don’t see that. It was a case of self-defense, the right to protect one’s self. … I don’t know that there’s any broader implicatio­ns. I don’t want to make it bigger than it is.”

The stream of political consciousn­ess on social media and on cable news networks, however, made clear many felt otherwise.

“You know damn well that if Kyle Rittenhous­e were Black he would have been found guilty in a heartbeat — or shot dead by cops on the scene,” tweeted former Democratic presidenti­al candidate Julian Castro.

Tulsi Gabbard, who also ran for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president, had a different take.

“The jury got it right — finding Rittenhous­e not guilty on all charges,” wrote Gabbard, a former congresswo­man from Hawaii. “The fact that charges were brought before any serious investigat­ion is evidence that the government was motivated by politics, which itself should be considered criminal.”

In a statement, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot offered her condolence­s to the families of those who were shot by Rittenhous­e and said “under our constituti­onal system, we must respect the jury’s decision.”

“However, no one should ever take the law into their own hands, or attempt to make themselves the judge, jury and executione­r,” Lightfoot said. “What Kyle Rittenhous­e did was reckless, dangerous, and showed an utter disregard for human life.”

Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois said she was “astonished and deeply troubled” that Rittenhous­e was acquitted. She said there “needs to be an investigat­ion on how someone could actually go into a crowd of people brandishin­g a gun as people were exercising their First Amendment rights and kill two of those people and get away with it.”

“I’m incredibly disappoint­ed by the verdict,” Duckworth said in an interview. “I understand why so many Americans are frustrated by it, because I am one.”

Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker said in a statement that the two men killed by Rittenhous­e, Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum, “deserved to be alive today. They deserve justice.”

“Carrying a loaded gun into a community 20 miles from your home and shooting unarmed citizens is fundamenta­lly wrong. It’s a tragedy that the court could not acknowledg­e that basic fact,” Pritzker said. “We must do better than this.”

Before the trial began, it was widely known Rittenhous­e benefited from fundraisin­g tied to far-right interests that tried to overturn the 2020 presidenti­al election, and that he flashed a hand sign appropriat­ed by white supremacis­t groups while wearing a “Free as F — k” T-shirt and drinking in a Wisconsin bar following his arrest.

Prosecutor­s said they had evidence Rittenhous­e met for lunch after a hearing earlier this year with several high-ranking members of the Proud Boys, a far-right group known for street fights that the Anti-Defamation League characteri­zes as “misogynist­ic, Islamophob­ic, transphobi­c and anti-immigratio­n,” with some members espousing “white supremacis­t and antisemiti­c ideologies.”

The judge overseeing Rittenhous­e’s case, Bruce Schroeder, barred discussion of that evidence, ruling it would impede on Rittenhous­e’s right to a fair trial.

In Chicago, as some vented their frustratio­n, they zeroed in on how Rittenhous­e’s case became a rallying cry for the far right.

“It’s not whether I wanted guilt or not, it’s that so many people will never be afforded the opportunit­ies given to someone who killed people, bragged about it, and became a national white supremacis­t hero,” said Illinois state Sen. Robert Peters, a progressiv­e Democrat who represents a district anchored in Hyde Park. “This is a perfect example of how f——-d our criminal legal system is.”

Ald. Rossanna Rodriguez-Sanchez, a Democratic socialist member of the Chicago City Council, said “this whole trial has been a sham.”

“Prison wouldn’t have made it better, but there’s absolutely no accountabi­lity required from this kid,” Rodriguez-Sanchez tweeted. “Another pass for white supremacis­t violence against our communitie­s and allies. Sending love and solidarity to everyone fighting white supremacy.”

On the right, Republican­s railed against Biden for suggesting on social media and in a campaign ad that Rittenhous­e was a white supremacis­t.

“Joe Biden needs to publicly apologize to Kyle Rittenhous­e,” Republican U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas tweeted.

Rittenhous­e’s actions were thrust into a hotly contested presidenti­al campaign last year between Biden and then-President Trump, with both visiting Kenosha in the days following the shooting of Blake and the deaths of the protesters.

Biden’s campaign featured a photo of Rittenhous­e in an ad that criticized Trump for refusing to condemn white supremacis­ts. Trump defended Rittenhous­e’s actions, saying the teen had acted in self-defense as protesters “violently attacked him” and suggested the teen was “in very big trouble” and “probably would have been killed” during the confrontat­ion.

The case became so politicize­d, in fact, that Judge Schroeder instructed jurors to disregard comments made by Trump and Biden. Richards, Rittenhous­e’s attorney, joked that the case was the first he tried that two presidents of the United States commented on “and both of them had such different beliefs.”

“President Biden said some things that are so incorrect and so untrue. He’s not a white supremacis­t,” Richards said of Rittenhous­e.

At the White House Friday, Biden declined to directly answer a question about whether he stood by past comments equating Rittenhous­e with white supremacy. The president told reporters he had just learned about the verdict.

“I stand by what the jury has to say,” Biden said. “The jury system works.”

Like many Republican­s nationally, Illinois state Rep. Darren Bailey, who is running for governor, took the verdict as reason to rail against the media, suggesting Rittenhous­e should sue.

“Rittenhous­e court case: not guilty. Rittenhous­e lawsuit against the media: pending,” tweeted Bailey, of downstate Xenia. “Don’t let the mainstream media fool you into thinking helping others or defending yourself is wrong. He will likely make millions suing the media over this one.”

On Capitol Hill, the far right of the Republican Party celebrated. U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, a Glock-packing politician prone to conspiracy theories who owns a Colorado restaurant named Shooters Grill, declared, “Today is a great day for the Second Amendment and the right to self-defense. Kyle Rittenhous­e is not guilty on all counts! Glory to God!”

Miller, the central Illinois congresswo­man who apologized earlier this year for referencin­g Adolf Hitler in a speech, also participat­ed in the social media victory lap.

“Justice has prevailed for Kyle Rittenhous­e. In America, we have trial by jury. Not by the media. Not by Hollywood celebritie­s. And definitely not by liberal blue checkmarks on Twitter,” Miller wrote. “Americans have a Second Amendment right to self-defense, and we will never surrender it.”

As is often the case recently, Republican U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger struck a different tone than most of his GOP colleagues. Instead of celebratin­g the verdict as a win for the Second Amendment, the outgoing congressma­n chose to focus on the defendant.

“Now is a good time for Kyle Rittenhous­e to turn his life around,” Kinzinger tweeted. “I would certainly hope he does not become a prop for those who would like to abuse him for political gain then throw him out. I believe in redemption.”

Richards told reporters after the trial that he never wanted Rittenhous­e’s trial to become some celebrated case of the political right. The defense attorney said that’s what Rittenhous­e’s initial lawyers, high-profile conservati­ves Lin Wood and John Pierce, wanted.

“When I took this case, I was hired by the first two lawyers. … They wanted to use Kyle for a cause, and that’s something I think was inappropri­ate. I don’t represent causes. I represent clients,” Richards said. “The only thing that ended up mattering to me is whether he’s found not guilty.”

 ?? STACEY WESCOTT/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ?? Brandon Lesco, of California, celebrates the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhous­e outside the Kenosha County Courthouse on Friday in Kenosha.
STACEY WESCOTT/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Brandon Lesco, of California, celebrates the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhous­e outside the Kenosha County Courthouse on Friday in Kenosha.
 ?? E. JASON WAMBSGANS/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ?? Activist Vaun Mayes confronts Kyle Rittenhous­e supporters on the steps of the Kenosha County Courthouse after Rittenhous­e was found not guilty of all charges in his murder trial Friday.
E. JASON WAMBSGANS/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Activist Vaun Mayes confronts Kyle Rittenhous­e supporters on the steps of the Kenosha County Courthouse after Rittenhous­e was found not guilty of all charges in his murder trial Friday.
 ?? STACEY WESCOTT/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ?? Jennifer Pierce-Miller, right, covers the sign of Emily Cahill, left, as people with opposing views argue outside the Kenosha County Courthouse as the jury deliberate­s about the Kyle Rittenhous­e case on Tuesday in Kenosha.
STACEY WESCOTT/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Jennifer Pierce-Miller, right, covers the sign of Emily Cahill, left, as people with opposing views argue outside the Kenosha County Courthouse as the jury deliberate­s about the Kyle Rittenhous­e case on Tuesday in Kenosha.
 ?? ANTONIO PEREZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ?? In a statement, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot offered her condolence­s to the families of those who where shot by Rittenhous­e. She said what Rittenhous­e did “was reckless, dangerous, and showed an utter disregard for human life.”
ANTONIO PEREZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE In a statement, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot offered her condolence­s to the families of those who where shot by Rittenhous­e. She said what Rittenhous­e did “was reckless, dangerous, and showed an utter disregard for human life.”
 ?? E. JASON WAMBSGANS/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ?? U.S. Rep. Mary Miller speaks at Republican Day at the Illinois State Fair on Aug. 19. She tweeted “God Bless America!” moments after the verdict.
E. JASON WAMBSGANS/CHICAGO TRIBUNE U.S. Rep. Mary Miller speaks at Republican Day at the Illinois State Fair on Aug. 19. She tweeted “God Bless America!” moments after the verdict.
 ?? JOSE M. OSORIO/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ?? Democratic U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, shown above leading a Black Friday protest in 2018, called the Rittenhous­e verdict “a horrible decision.”
JOSE M. OSORIO/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Democratic U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, shown above leading a Black Friday protest in 2018, called the Rittenhous­e verdict “a horrible decision.”

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