Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Community colleges are a ‘game-changer’

Lower-income families benefiting greatly from them

- By Karen Ann Cullotta kcullotta@chicago Twitter @kcullotta

After Tamika Powell lost her job during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, her uncertaint­y was replaced with hope when she decided to enroll at Chicago’s Harold Washington College to complete an associate arts degree.

But Powell, 39, and the mother of a 13-year-old daughter, feared an unpaid $1,500 balance on her City Colleges of Chicago account would prevent her from pursuing her dream of becoming an early childhood educator.

“I had a debt, and I wouldn’t have been able to go back to City Colleges without the Fresh Start program,” said Powell, a resident of Chicago’s Pullman neighborho­od.

Her unpaid tuition bill was wiped clean through the recently launched City Colleges program, which is aimed at reducing barriers to education for low-income residents.

“As a single mom, $1,500 is a lot of money when I’m raising my child on my own and trying to pay my rent, so Fresh Start has been really amazing for me,” said Powell, who is back to working full time at an early child care center while completing her coursework at Harold Washington.

“Community college has been a game-changer, not only for me but for my child.”

The passage of the federal Build Back Better Act by the House on Friday was bitterswee­t for officials at City Colleges of Chicago, who learned last month a proposal that would have made community colleges across the U.S. tuition free was cut from the roughly $2 trillion social safety net and climate bill.

As championed by President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden — a longtime community college professor — the move to make community colleges across the U.S. tuition-free is viewed by supporters as imperative for students from middle- and lower-income families, many of whom are finding it increasing­ly difficult to pay for a higher education degree without incurring enormous debt.

When City Colleges of Chicago Chancellor Juan Salgado heard last month the tuition-free community college proposal had been cut, he said he was “not just surprised, but I was deeply disappoint­ed.”

While City Colleges offersseve­ral tuition-free programs for qualifying students, including high-achieving recent Chicago Public School graduates, not all students benefit, Salgado said.

“Community colleges are in every community — rural, urban and suburban, all across the United States of America, in all of its nooks and crannies,” Salgado said. “There is momentum afloat that did not exist before, and the stake is in the ground.

“And it’s going to stay there.”

U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky also expressed disappoint­ment Biden’s proposed two years of free community college was removed from the legislatio­n.

“As U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said ‘Community colleges are the backbone of this country’s growth and the future economic prosperity of our country,’ ” Schakowsky said in a statement. “They offer students a path to a four-year university if they choose and higher wages in many fields.

“While the community college component wasn’t included in this final package, it is not the end of our push to make higher education more accessible and more affordable for all Americans.”

A spokespers­on for U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush said he is a strong supporter of making the nation’s community colleges tuition-free for students.

Albeit painful, the cuts are necessary to ensure the social safety net and climate package is ultimately signed into law, Rush spokespers­on Naomi Savin said.

The package still includes a $550 increase for students eligible for federal Pell grants, as well as increased funding to support first-generation and low-income college students, and students enrolled at historical­ly black colleges and universiti­es, Savin said.

Funding for child care, the new child tax credit and affordable housing will also benefit community college students who are juggling their studies with jobs and family responsibi­lities, Savin added.

Overall, the legislatio­n invests more than $20 billion to strengthen higher education, she said.

Harper College President Avis Proctor said despite the recent setback she is encouraged by the surging number of scholarshi­p and financial-aid opportunit­ies for students, including Harper’s new Igniting Paths to Success Scholarshi­p that awards full tuition and funding for fees and books.

College Promise programs, which offer free tuition to high school graduates meeting academic and other criteria, are offered at community colleges nationwide, including Harper.

“We know that having tuition-free community colleges is near and dear to President Biden and Dr. Jill Biden’s hearts, but his administra­tion is in its first year, so we’re still hopeful because this is not going to disappear tomorrow,” Proctor said. “We know affordabil­ity is key to moving individual­s into higher education, and community colleges are game-changers for so many in our communitie­s.”

Representi­ng the third-largest community college system in the nation, Illinois’ 48 community colleges enroll more than 600,000 Illinois residents each year in credit and noncredit courses, serving both traditiona­l and nontraditi­onal students, according to the Illinois Community College Board.

In addition to providing affordable higher education opportunit­ies to earn degrees and certificat­es, a recent study found the economic impact of Illinois community colleges on the statewide economy in fiscal year 2020 is estimated at $3.5 billion and includes 43,316 jobs.

Neverthele­ss, enrollment at community colleges across the U.S. has declined around 9% during the pandemic, which American Associatio­n of Community Colleges President and CEO Walter Bumphus attributes to the fact that many students who attend community colleges are also employed and lost their jobs in the wake of the virus.

“Community college students are still facing so many challenges during the pandemic — unemployme­nt, the challenges to find child care and virtual learning was very difficult for many students,” Bumphus said.

The average age of the nation’s roughly 11.8 million community college students is 28, and many are parents working essential jobs and living in underserve­d communitie­s hit hardest by the pandemic, said Martha Parham, senior vice president at the AACC.

Carita Bailey Thompson, a resident of Chicago’s Bronzevill­e neighborho­od, had already earned a master’s degree and was working at the Chicago Housing Authority when she decided to return to the classroom to pursue a nursing home administra­tion certificat­e at Wright College in 2012.

Like many students, Thompson, 48, said she had to put her studies on hold for several years due to financial hardships. But after receiving an email from City Colleges in 2020 about the new Fresh Start program, she was able to re-enroll, and she completed her certificat­e program at Wright last December.

Today, Thompson is working at a nonprofit in Oak Park, where she assists older adults with access to health care and other social services.

Thompson, who is still paying off student loans that paid for her undergradu­ate and graduate degrees, said her certificat­e program from Wright allowed her to change career paths and find a rewarding profession.

“I just fell in love with the program, and it made me more marketable,” Thompson said.

“I would encourage any person, no matter where they are in their career, to look at all of the opportunit­ies that community colleges have to offer.”

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