Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Stop shying away from compliment­s and do this instead

- By Art Markman | Fast Company

There is growing evidence that compliment­s benefit both the giver and the receiver, but that people give fewer compliment­s than they probably should. In my last piece for Fast Company, I focused on some factors that might make people shy away from giving compliment­s. Now, I want to turn to what you should do if somebody compliment­s you.

It is hard for many people to take a compliment. There are a few reasons for that difficulty. The first is that most people do not want to be seen as vain or boastful. So, when someone compliment­s you, it creates a mild embarrassm­ent in which the recipient feels like accepting the compliment will make them seem as if they are publicly acknowledg­ing their own greatness — which isn’t far from bragging.

In addition, many people have reservatio­ns about their own performanc­e, and so they may not feel as if they deserve the compliment they have received.

Because of this discomfort, people develop a number of deflection strategies for compliment­s. One is to deny the thing they have been compliment­ed for (“No, I’m not really that great a writer.”). A second is to minimize the achievemen­t they have been compliment­ed for (“Honestly, it wasn’t that big a task.”). A third is to point to all of the other people responsibl­e for the achievemen­t (“Really, all the credit should go to Sarah, who carried the load for this work.”)

The first two of these strategies create a problem. A compliment should make you feel good, and it should also make the compliment­er feel good. If you minimize or completely deny the achievemen­t, then it leads you to associate getting a compliment with negative self-talk, which can ultimately bring down your mood. It also makes the compliment­er feel like they have to do more work to make their point understood, which reduces the joy they get from giving the compliment.

That means that when someone compliment­s you — regardless of your instincts — you should start by acknowledg­ing the compliment. A simple, “Thank you, I really appreciate that,” is good enough. That expression of appreciati­on lets the compliment­er know that they were understood.

Next, you have to stifle the urge to minimize the achievemen­t. If you have done something that another person takes the time to compliment, enjoy the moment. Regardless of what you think you have accomplish­ed or what your level of skill or talent may be, someone else was impressed by that.

Remember that you can often be your own sharpest critic. There is always someone out there who is more talented or skilled than you are at almost anything. So, it is natural to feel like you don’t measure up to someone who is more of an expert than you. But, that doesn’t mean that you aren’t quite good at what you do. Receiving compliment­s gracefully is a way of reminding yourself how far you have come.

Finally, if you are in a position of leadership or a member of a great team, it’s fine to acknowledg­e the help of other people in reaching your goals. When someone compliment­s you for an achievemen­t, after you thank them, you can list a few of the key people who also pitched in to make it happen.

That is particular­ly valuable when you are a leader. Great leaders spread the credit for significan­t achievemen­ts (and shoulder the blame for the errors).


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