Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Rate request an act of hubris


I was truly taken aback to read about ComEd’s filing for a $199 million rate hike (“ComEd seeks $199M rate hike; would add $2.20 per month to bills,” April 16), the largest amount requested in eight years. The breathtaki­ng hubris of this move should stun even the most jaded connoisseu­r of Illinois corruption.

Two years ago, ComEd agreed to pay a fine of $200 million to settle federal bribery charges — bribes that allegedly were used to grease the skids for years of exorbitant rate hikes, according to federal authoritie­s. That alleged bribery and racketeeri­ng activity led to the indictment­s of Anne Pramaggior­e, former CEO of ComEd parent company Exelon, and former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan.

Now the utility is asking for a new rate hike for almost the exact same amount as the fine it agreed to pay in 2020. Aside from the brazen arrogance of asking for even more money so soon after admitting to a bribery scheme that was worth an estimated $150 million to the utility, its cynicism toward ratepayers and disregard for any consequenc­es is shown by how bad that “coincidenc­e” in dollar amounts would look to anyone paying attention.

But then no one was paying attention, were they? ComEd chose to file not only on a Friday, typically the day to dump informatio­n you don’t want the public to see, but Good Friday and the eve of Passover. The Tribune covered the story, but of course it had to run in the Saturday edition of the paper — typically the least read of the week. I can only shake my head at how well ComEd and their lawyers manipulate us to their advantage.

— David Skidmore, Chicago

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