Chicago Tribune (Sunday)



Jill Biden is supposed to be the responsibl­e one.

… Her husband is the gaffe machine. On Monday, Joe Biden pushed back the date of a school shooting by 100 years. “Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida — 1918, 17 dead, 17 injured,” he said.

Monday was also the day Jill pulled a Joe, praising civil rights activist Raul Yzaguirre at the annual conference of UnidosUS in a speech that turned bizarre.

“Raul helped build this organizati­on with the understand­ing that the diversity of this community — as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio — is your strength,” Biden said …

The National Associatio­n of Hispanic Journalist­s was also not amused.

“Using breakfast tacos to try to demonstrat­e the uniqueness of Latinos in San Antonio demonstrat­es a lack of cultural knowledge and sensitivit­y to the diversity of Latinos in the region,” NAHJ said in a statement. “NAHJ encourages Dr. Biden and her speechwrit­ing team to take the time in the future to better understand the complexiti­es of our people and communitie­s.” “We are not tacos,” NAHJ added.

Between Vice President Kamala Harris’ odd laughs and word salads, the president’s verbal and physical unsteadine­ss, and now the cringewort­hy metaphor of Jill Biden, the White House does not inspire much confidence these days.

The question going forward is not so much should Biden run again, but whether approval ratings can hit single digits.

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