Chicago Tribune (Sunday)



Eric Schmitt, Missouri’s lawsuit-happy attorney general and Republican Senate nominee, recently declared that school children are being exposed to “radical ideology.” He’s right: Any kids who happen to follow political news in Missouri are seeing the worst kind of radicalism being advanced by Schmitt himself.

Schmitt was asked Sunday whether children are “under threat” in schools. They are — by the determined refusal of Schmitt’s party to allow commonsens­e gun restrictio­ns. But that’s not the threat Schmitt has in mind.

“I think what’s happened in a lot of our school districts is crazy,” Schmitt said. “We’ve exposed a lot of them with this radical ideology, critical race theory, and people who tell you it’s not happening in our schools, that’s not truthful.”

As is so often the case, it’s Schmitt who isn’t being truthful here. Critical race theory is an academic concept in law schools regarding institutio­nal racism, one that isn’t generally taught in elementary or secondary schools for the simple reason that it’s too advanced. Schmitt presumably knows this, since his campaign of litigious harassment against Missouri school districts has included hounding school administra­tors to turn over critical-race-theory curriculum that isn’t there …

Schmitt has also joined legal action attempting to overturn results of the 2020 presidenti­al election, embracing Trump’s thoroughly disproven claims of mass voter fraud. Court after court has found Trump’s democracy-underminin­g assertions to be based on, literally, nothing. Yet there’s Schmitt, helping spread Trump’s falsehoods in his capacity as Missouri’s top legal official. Anyone searching for toxic radicalism in Missouri today need look no further than that.

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