Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Abortion rights a real issue


Regarding “Political ads focus on abortion and ignore Illinois’ real issues” (Oct. 27): I was very disappoint­ed and upset by the choice of headline on the op-ed, which suggests that women’s health care rights are not an important issue in Illinois. The fact that women have access to comprehens­ive health care in Illinois is a direct result of voting for candidates who support us having and retaining those rights.

I am 70 years old, and we fought long and hard decades ago to secure health care rights for women. We see that if we do not continue to vote for candidates who support those rights, we lose them!

To suggest that this is not an overriding issue, even if the author is anti-abortion rights, suggests that he does not understand the issues at stake, even for pregnant women wanting their babies. It is difficult for me to believe that he would think it is OK for women, who would otherwise want their babies, to die because their doctors are not properly trained to take care of them in the event of a complicati­on requiring an abortion to save the mother. You won’t care about inflation if you are dead.

Getting back to the author’s point, which issue is really the “real issue”? Historical­ly, inflation comes and goes, usually due to economic cycles and other factors that we don’t necessaril­y control. There would have been inflation now irrespecti­ve of the politician­s in control. So actually, suggesting that whoever is elected has control over inflation is the fake issue. It is trying to scare people to vote for candidates who suggest they would have control over inflation.

I agree with the author that it is time to focus on the real issues, which is the health care rights for about 50% of this country’s people.

— Judi Fishman, Chicago

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