Chicago Tribune (Sunday)



It took nearly three decades, but world leaders this week finally acknowledg­ed the obvious: There is no way to slow climate change without winding down fossil fuels.

The agreement reached Wednesday by nearly 200 nations at the COP28 climate conference in Dubai is something of a breakthrou­gh. For the first time, world leaders called for moving away from fossil fuels in energy systems.

It’s easy to criticize this deal, which followed two weeks of tough negotiatio­ns, as weak and insufficie­nt. It is nonbinding and full of caveats and loopholes. It includes support for carbon capture technology and “transition­al fuels,” code for natural gas, that would enable the continued burning of planet-warming hydrocarbo­ns.

It calls for “transition­ing away” from fossil fuels, rather than phasing out, which many entities, including the United States, the European Union and vulnerable island states, were pushing for . ...

But the agreement is a milestone nonetheles­s. There is now a baseline global consensus on the need to move beyond fossil fuels.

Whether this deal truly signals the”beginning of the end” of the fossil fuel era, as U.N. officials have said, depends entirely on what steps countries take next to scale up clean, renewable energy and hasten the demise of planet-warming coal, oil and gas . ...

Perhaps future generation­s will look back on 2023 as a turning point when the world’s leaders — hosted by a petroleum company executive in the oil-rich United Arab Emirates, of all places — changed course and finally got on a path toward ending fossil fuels that endanger our planet and the life it sustains.

But it’s up to all of us to hold our government accountabl­e for delivering on these words and taking all necessary actions to close the door on the fossil fuel era.

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