Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Ex-Ald. Burke still has time


As a young (Jewish) man, I worked for The Resurrecti­on Project, or TRP, to this day a well-known and well-respected organizati­on led by Latinos and based in the Catholic Church. I remember once listening to Ald. Daniel Solis testify to his support for a TRP housing project needing an approval, to Ald. Edward Burke, chair of the City Council’s Finance Committee. Solis broke from his prepared remarks and spoke directly to Burke in an informal manner, praising the work TRP was doing to build a healthy community. Burke listened seriously and nodded, and it was done.

At the time, I wondered how much these two spoke of the work of people and organizati­ons like TRP in private. I think the verdict is, for both, too little.

I write now directly to Burke. He should meet with one or more priests and look to the Bible. He should read it carefully and repeatedly and ask himself: What can he now do for God, by serving others, not himself ?

Burke may well have the opportunit­y to write historical­ly in a way he has not to date. There will be an audience, not for score-settling but for confession and repentance and reflection. He should study the website of the late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks and his books. They can help the former alderman find a way forward, if he has the strength of will, and even to deepen his Catholic faith. Sacks teaches that Revelation is not about tragedy but rather hope.

Our sages teach: On Rosh Hashana, it is written, and on Yom Kippur, it is sealed. But heaven’s court of appeal is still in session, nearly to the end of Sukkot. Our sages are clear: God does not desire the death of the sinner but that he turn from sin.

There is still time for Burke to recognize before whom he stands and write another chapter in the story of his life. Quite literally.

— Dan Alexander, Skokie

 ?? CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ?? Former Ald. Edward Burke exits the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse in downtown Chicago after being convicted of 13 of 14 counts in his corruption trial Thursday.
CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Former Ald. Edward Burke exits the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse in downtown Chicago after being convicted of 13 of 14 counts in his corruption trial Thursday.

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