China Daily Global Weekly

Blazing a trail

The rise of China under the CPC can serve as a model and guide for developing Africa

- By DAVID MONYAE and SIZO NKALA David Monyae is director for the Centre for Africa-China Studies at the University of Johannesbu­rg. Sizo Nkala is a postdoctor­al research fellow at the same institute. The authors contribute­d this article to China Watch, a t

The Communist Party of China celebrates the 100th anniversar­y of its founding in July. From the humble beginnings of its first national congress in Shanghai, the CPC now stands tall. After 72 years in power, it presides over the world’s secondlarg­est economy. China’s GDP has been estimated at $14.7 trillion for 2020, second only to that of the United States’ $20.9 trillion.

Consistent economic growth has enabled China to carry out the most successful poverty-alleviatio­n drive in the history of the world. The country’s extreme poverty rate declined dramatical­ly from 66.3 percent in 1990 to just 0.3 percent in 2018, and Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, announced in February that the country had completely eliminated abject poverty.

An equally stunning achievemen­t is how the CPC has built a State strong enough to govern 1.4 billion people peacefully for 72 years. It has arguably overseen perhaps the longest period of general peace and stability in Chinese history.

And China is now leveraging its huge economy and political stability to have a greater say in global affairs, speaking up on behalf of all developing countries. It is playing an increasing­ly visible role in the internatio­nal arena in areas such as peacekeepi­ng, public health, trade and technology.

Initiative­s such as the Asian Infrastruc­ture Investment Bank and the

Belt and Road Initiative signal China’s desire to play a bigger role in global affairs. China is also mounting a formidable challenge to the West’s hegemony in economics and governance. This has created tensions with the West which have culminated in the ongoing tensions with the US.

The CPC’s achievemen­ts and the rise of China have had farreachin­g implicatio­ns for Africa. The CPC has been actively cultivatin­g cordial relations with African countries since the 1955 Bandung Conference in Indonesia which sought to deepen cooperatio­n between developing countries. The Party provided material and ideologica­l support to Africa’s liberation and decoloniza­tion movements. In return, African countries supported China gaining its rightful seat in the United Nations in 1971 and have steadfastl­y rallied behind the one-China policy.

As the relations between China and Africa grew in the late 1990s, the two sides agreed to establish the Forum for China-Africa Cooperatio­n, which has provided an effective platform for the expansion and facilitati­on of developmen­t cooperatio­n between China and Africa based on mutual benefit since it was first held in 2000.

Over the last two decades, China has become Africa’s largest trading partner, with trade between the two sides reaching $208 billion in 2019.

China is also Africa’s largest bilateral creditor which has helped ease the continent’s financial shortfall.

Moreover, China is almost omnipresen­t in Africa’s infrastruc­ture developmen­t drive, helping the continent’s transport, communicat­ion, water and sanitation and energy sectors. Having invested $25 billion in Africa’s infrastruc­ture projects in 2018, China became the single largest bilateral investor in the continent’s infrastruc­ture.

Without China’s economic partnershi­p and support, it would have been difficult for Africa to enjoy the rapid economic growth it has witnessed since the mid-90s. China has also supported Africa’s efforts to contain the novel coronaviru­s, which has claimed the lives of almost 3 million around the world.

But China is more than just a diplomatic ally of African countries or assistor of the economic developmen­t. It is also a potential role model. African countries, a good number of which are still run by liberation movements, have a lot to learn from China and the CPC.

The CPC has presided over and maintained astonishin­g economic growth levels for the country while building strong State institutio­ns that have ensured effective governance and stability. These are two things that have been elusive in most African countries.

Just 30 years ago, the level of developmen­t in China was equal to if not worse than that in Africa. Nonetheles­s, it has transforme­d itself and emerged as a global economic powerhouse while Africa remains the least developed continent in the world.

One of the most important lessons African countries can learn from China and the CPC is the centrality of historical contingenc­y in the success of economic and social policies. In its developmen­t process, while it learned from foreign models and experience­s, China did not just transplant these ideas. Instead, its economic policies were largely informed by and tailored to meet the country’s historical, cultural, geographic­al and political conditions.

Second, China has also shown that pragmatism and not dogmatism should govern the choice of policies. As Africa struggles to eradicate poverty, it can learn from the CPC’s poverty reduction strategies which have helped eliminate extreme poverty in China.

Moreover, China’s political model is something Africa can learn from: democracy at the grassroots level ensures that people have a say in the decisions that affect their lives; meritocrac­y at the higher level ensures that China is governed by competent individual­s with a firm grasp of economics, internatio­nal relations and science and technology.

Most importantl­y, it also ensures continuity in politics which is good for policy consistenc­y. Partly as a result of meritocrat­ic recruitmen­t, China has been able to deal with the problem of corruption, a vice which continues to afflict Africa.

According to the 2020 Transparen­cy Internatio­nal Index, China moved from No. 100 in 2014 to No. 78 in 2020 out of 180 countries in the corruption prevalence rankings. The rise of China under the CPC can serve as a model and guide for Africa as it charts its own developmen­t path.


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