China Daily Global Weekly

Hegemonic plan targets China

Western media manufactur­ing lies on Xinjiang, part of larger scheme against nation, truth

- By CHRIS LONSDALE The author is a psychologi­st, linguist, educator, entreprene­ur, and corporate advisor with more than thirty years of experience doing business in Asia. The views expressed in this article do not necessaril­y reflect those of China Daily.

The Western

If you have been paying any attention to Western media, including all forms of social media with US or Western-bloc origins, you will have heard about the alleged horrific “genocide and ethnic cleansing” that is happening in Xinjiang, China’s most western autonomous region.

Supposedly “mass rapes, and mass-sterilizat­ion programs” are being carried out against Uygurs; and they are being held in “concentrat­ion camps”.

It has been stated by many that, rather than being factual, all the horrific reporting is actually an attempt by the West to demonize China in order to turn the entire world against China before likely going to war.

Why? As William Briggs recently wrote in johnmenadu­ webpage, China’s economic star is rising, and America’s best days are behind it.” And, if the past few decades have shown us anything, it is that the United Sates of America can be a very sore loser.

Just look at what happened to Libya. The US bombed Libya back to the stone age and many observers of Middle Eastern events strongly believe that this was because the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi wanted to move off the petrodolla­r and use gold for the oil trade instead.

So, what is the truth about Xinjiang?

Many years ago in Xinjiang, I saw no obvious ethnic tensions. But that was a while ago.

Jerry Grey, a retired Australian living in Guangdong province went on a bike tour through the Xinjiang

Uygur autonomous region in late 2019. He wrote he had seen nothing of the prison camps or any of the other horrors as reported (or magnified) by people who have never set foot in either Xinjiang or other parts of China.

What about the one million Uygurs “locked in concentrat­ion camps”, reported by the media? It turns out that this number comes from the so-called World Uyghur Congress which is headquarte­red in Munich, Germany.

Hilariousl­y, in a video interview with a representa­tive from this Congress that I watched, when asked where the one million number came from, the representa­tive answered, “the media”. Astounding circularit­y!

And, therein lies the rub. Quite clearly the Western mainstream media are responsibl­e for a process of telling half-truths or outright lies in order to demonize China, with the final intention pointing to war.

As WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has said, “every war in the last 50 years has been created by media lies”. And that is the reason Julian Assange rots in Belmarsh prison near London, for creating a system to allow people to see the actual truth — raw documents — of what is happening in our world.

How does this process of false narrative building happen? The basic modus operandi is to produce socalled “news”, often based on “leaks” from “unnamed but supposedly reliable sources”.

So, for instance, someone from the US intelligen­ce community will tell a US media outlet that there are “mass rapes of Uygurs” in Xinjiang. The media then run with this and sell it as truth. They embellish. Dramatize. Horrific details are included, with the goal being to get emotional reactions and raise the levels of fear and disgust.

Then, the whole process is put on repeat, day after day with the same messages. In other words, they use the technology of brainwashi­ng.

It is called “manufactur­ing consent”.

This was done for Syria, with the supposed use of chemical weapons by the Bashar al-Assad government. It turns out of course that the Organizati­on for the Prohibitio­n of Chemical Weapons inspectors actually on the ground at the time have now informed the world that chemical weapons were not used, and that the original official OPCW report was, in effect, a lie.

That was a big lie that was then magnified by the media globally. For example, the BBC was involved in staging horrific scenes of people apparently injured by those very same chemical weapons. Which means, they lied, and knowingly. Almost all other media parroted the narrative thus sold.

Another example is Chinese publicatio­ns getting kicked out of the US, so that US readers would not be exposed to alternate narratives, or even facts. People supporting China on Twitter and other social media have had their accounts removed or labelled.

People who have lived in China for a long time, decades even, are also demonized as Chinese Communist Party trolls, Wu-Maos (something cheap), tankies (Communist and anti-American) and the like. There are massive pile-ons designed to get China supporters to stop saying anything that flies in the face of the official narrative. And so, the truth disappears.

Ultimately, when caught outright lying, the media will do some disingenuo­us retraction, of just one or two lines on page 10, so the retraction is never seen. By then it does not matter because truth-telling people have been destroyed, and readers hardly make it to page 10 anyway.

It is fair to say that, through these very deliberate processes designed to distort, smear, defame and lie, in the minds of people who are absorbing the “news” uncritical­ly, China increasing­ly comes to be perceived as the Evil Empire. Thus, consent for war is manufactur­ed.

Sadly, this process of demonizati­on is not simply directed at China. It is being directed at truth itself.

As a case in point, certainly not the only case, the last year and a half of global madness around COVID-19 has been created by the very same process of lies and deception perpetrate­d by the Western media, supported by mass de-platformin­g and smearing of knowledgea­ble people who are trying to communicat­e true facts about the situation.

In this way, the majority of people only get to hear the official narrative when it is too late.

A war against truth and the people of the world, manufactur­ed by means of media lies, is taking place in front of our eyes. The demonizati­on of China is simply part of that larger war.

mainstream media

are responsibl­e

for a process of

telling half-truths

or outright lies in

order to demonize


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