China Daily Global Weekly

Tibet’s developmen­t miracle

The region achieved immense socioecono­mic progress since its peaceful liberation in 1951

- By KELSANG DROLMA The author is a researcher at the China Tibetology Research Center. The views do not necessaril­y represent those of China Daily.

The Agreement of the Central People’s Government and the Local Government of Tibet on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet, also known as the 17-Article Agreement, was signed in Beijing seven decades ago, leading to the peaceful liberation of Tibet.

With access to the outside world, the newly liberated Tibetan people became aware of how isolated and backward Tibet was during the feudal rule. Eight years after the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1951, people from all walks of life, thanks to the removal of the social system that once imprisoned them, started venturing out of the region.

The stark difference in the level of developmen­t between Tibet and China’s other regions made them realize the superiorit­y and efficacy of the socialist system, and appreciate the work of the Communist Party of China and the central government in improving the lives and livelihood­s of the Tibetan people through the region’s developmen­t.

The Tibetan people firmly supported the central government’s move in 1959 to abolish feudal serfdom and promote democratic reforms in the region.

The Tibet autonomous region was establishe­d in 1965, and since then the Tibetan people have been enjoying equal rights in managing State affairs, and the political right to govern.

To boost Tibet’s economic growth, the central government has implemente­d a series of preferenti­al policies covering various fields, from finance, taxation, infrastruc­ture constructi­on, industrial developmen­t and animal husbandry to rural constructi­on, culture, education, healthcare, social security and environmen­tal protection.

The central government’s transfer payments to Tibet have been increasing each year, and a series of important engineerin­g projects has significan­tly improved infrastruc­ture in the region, raising the local residents’ living standards. Tibet now has 118,800 kilometers of roads — about 8.5 times more than in 1965 — modern highways and railways, and excellent aviation facilities.

From 129 million yuan ($20.04 million) in 1951, Tibet’s GDP jumped to 190.27 billion yuan in 2020 — which was also 7.8 percent higher than the previous year’s level despite COVID-19.

Thanks to the Party’s peoplecent­ered governance, the average annual growth in urban and rural residents’ income in Tibet has been one of the highest in the country. Last year, per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents in the region was 41,156 yuan and 14,598 yuan respective­ly, up 10 percent and 12.7 percent year-on-year.

The eradicatio­n of absolute poverty has transforme­d the rural areas in Tibet. The region’s entire population, including those in 74 previously poverty-stricken counties, no longer has to worry about food. Compulsory education and basic medical care are free.

While the average housing area of Tibetan farmers and herdsmen is 41.5 square meters, many farmers have moved into two-story buildings built with wood and stone, and herdsmen who have maintained nomadic lifestyles can spend winters in permanent structures so elderly people and children have access to healthcare and education.

Tibet has also built a complete education system, with the average years of schooling increasing to 9.55, and Tibetan children have been enjoying 15 years of free education — from kindergart­en to high school — since 2012, and children’s attendance in primary school has reached 99.93 percent.

The maternal mortality rate has dropped to 50 per 100,000 and the infant mortality rate to 8 per 1,000 live births, both lowest in Tibet’s history.

Life expectancy in Tibet has increased from 35.5 years in 1951 to 71.1 years in 2020. The region’s population has also increased from 1 million before the peaceful liberation to about 3.65 million in 2020.

Constructi­on projects are widespread, extending from public facilities such as gyms in cities to clinics, school hostels, roads and water projects in villages.

Tibetan teenagers are selected to study in high schools in other provinces. This arrangemen­t has greatly increased communicat­ion between Tibetan youths and their peers from other parts of China.

While the improvemen­t in transporta­tion is attracting more tourists to Tibet, rising individual incomes is prompting an increasing number of Tibetan people to travel outside the region for work, education or to spend their holidays, promoting exchanges between the region and the rest of the country.

The extent of social harmony in Tibet can be gauged from the increasing number of inter-ethnic marriages, which also shows that all ethnic groups in Tibet are working together to build a common homeland.

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