China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Noncommitt­al US

- By LAN LAN in Doha, Qatar

Delegates from the United States made no concrete commitment­s at the Doha climate conference on Wednesday, despite great pressure both domestical­ly and internatio­nally.

After the United Kingdom made the first move by pledging to boost its climate funds to help developing economies fight climate change, other developed economies have been called on to follow suit swiftly.

Several other countries have shown a willingnes­s and made budget plans to provide funds after a three-year climate change fund runs out at the end of this year, Xie Zhenhua, China’s top climate change official told reporters on Wednesday in Doha. Xie didn’t give more details.

The UK announced on Wednesday it would boost its climate funding for the next two years to 1.8 billion pounds ($2.9 billion), a 40 percent increase over its contributi­on to the Fast Start Finance during the 2010-12 period.

Finance is a core issue at the ongoing Doha meeting, and wealthy nations such as the United States have yet to make further commitment­s.

Under the agreement reached in the Copenhagen talks, developed economies pledged to raise $100 billion a year by 2020. To ensure that, developing countries have proposed a $60 billion midterm target for 2015..

“The midterm finance target is very reasonable. It’s understand­able that some developed economies are facing financial difficulti­es and that adds more uncertaint­y to the funding,” Xie said.

Developed economies should clearly state a specific amount for the climate change fund between 2013 and 2015, said Xie.

“The UK has taken the first step, and now we are waiting for other developed countries to quickly follow the suit,” said Tracy Carty, climate change policy adviser of the Oxfam Great Britain.

The key is that all developed economies make commitment­s to ensure that the climate funding begins to increase by next year, Carty said.

Developed economies have told developing economies that they have met $30 billion in Fast Start Finance, but ambiguitie­s still seem to linger.

For instance, a sum of money, listed in a climate finance report released by the United States and calculated as part of the Fast Start Finance provided by the US, was challenged by experts.

The funding, about $100,000, is provided by the US State Department and supports the US-China Eco- Partnershi­ps program.

“This funding supports US entities participat­ing in a program that brings together US and Chinese companies, universiti­es, NGOs and state and local government­s to address major environmen­tal issues of concern to both countries,” said the US climate finance report.

If the money was used to support US entities in a joint program, it shouldn’t be calculated as supporting China under the Fast Start Fund, said Zhou Dadi, former director of China’s Energy Research Institute under the National Developmen­t and Reform Commission.

“By that logic, should we count the money provided by the Chinese government as supporting the US under the Fast Start Fund? There’s so much similar US-China cooperatio­n there,” said Zhou.

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