China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Teach sex education at a young age


The Chinese people and government must work together to spread sex education, says an article in Beijing News. Excerpts:

AwomaninHu­angshan, Anhui province, took her fiveyear-old son to a public bath for women infuriatin­g the other women using the facility. But despite their objections, the woman insisted on staying there with her son.

Many people have criticized the woman for taking her son to the public bath. Some decades ago, her behavior might not have stirred such a strong reaction when fiveyear-olds were not as mature as they are today and people were not as conscious of safeguardi­ng their privacy.

What constitute­s proper civil behavior can be gauged from a recent incident in the United States. When a Chinese-Americanwo­mantook her child wearing “open-seat pants” (pants that are slit in the middle to allow small kids to urinate without wetting their clothes) in Monterey Park inLos Angeles last month, awomancall­ed the police to teach her proper civic behavior.

Chinese people need to pay more attention to privacy matters and children’s sex issues. The frequent cases of sexual abuse of children in China show how weak sex education is in the country.

Parentsand­teachersmu­stimpart proper sex education to children from an early age. In fact, experts say sex education for children should start when they are 3 years old.

Now, only big cities in China have separate “restrooms” for children in public lavatories. So the government should provide more support to build infrastruc­ture for children’s use, such as special restrooms and changing rooms, where parents can attend to their children’s needs in private.

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