China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Nostalgic comments from netizens

China Daily collected comments on its We Chat account from netizens who often shopped at the zoo markets.


I was born into an ordinary family. During my childhood, my family always bought clothes from the zoo markets. Every child likes new clothes so I loved the zoo markets very much.

Wang Xin We weren’t rich when I was a child, so the zoo markets were the first option to buy something I wanted. When I was a child, going to the zoo markets was amusing because I could see a lot of beautiful clothes, makeup and wonderful highheels and I wondered if I could own these in the future. When I stood in the zoo markets, I imagined what I would be when I grew up.

Kiki As an internatio­nal student, I've been to a lot of the clothes markets in Beijing, and my favorite one was the zoo markets! It's a pity that the zoo markets are closing, the goods there were cheap, fashionabl­e and the price was appropriat­e! I will miss shopping in the zoo markets.

*Inkar* In the first few years I was working, the zoo markets were the best shopping place for young girls. At that time, online shopping was not as popular as today. The zoo markets provided fashionabl­e clothes at lower prices. Sometimes, my friend and I just walked around in the markets. We looked at the new clothes and shared opinions with each other. Now my friend is a mother. The shopping place has changed but shopping with her in the zoo markets is a precious memory.

Zhangjing Kiki

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