China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Trump picks two women for cabinet posts


Donald Trump on Wednesday named South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, a former critic with little foreign policy experience, to be the next US ambassador to the United Nations at a time of uncertaint­y over America’s internatio­nal role under his presidency.

Haley, one of two women chosen so far for a job in Trump’s Cabinet, is “a proven dealmaker, and we look to be making plenty of deals. She will be a great leader representi­ng us on the world stage,” the Republican presidente­lect said in a statement.

The 44-year-old daughter of Indian immigrants, Haley represents what some Republican­s hope could be the new face of their party: a younger, more diverse generation of leaders.

Haley took Trump strongly to task during the presidenti­al campaign over his harsh rhetoric about illegal immigratio­n and for not speaking forcefully enough against white supremacis­ts.

Trump has chosen mostly male conservati­ves so far for senior positions as he shapes his administra­tion following his victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton in the Nov 8 election. Trump takes over from Democratic President Barack Obama on Jan 20.

The choice of Haley may be aimed at countering criticism of Trump’s divisive comments about immigrants and minorities, as well as accusation­s of sexism during his election campaign.

Haley led a successful effort last year to remove the Confederat­e battle flag from the grounds of the South Carolina state capitol after the killing of nine black churchgoer­s in Charleston. The flag was carried by pro-slavery Confederat­e forces during the Civil War and is viewed by many as a racist emblem.

Haley said she had accepted Trump’s offer and would remain governor pending her confirmati­on to the Cabinet-level post by the US Senate.

“When the president believes you have a major contributi­on to make to the welfare of our nation, and to our nation’s standing in the world, that is a calling that is important to heed,” she said in a statement.

Trump on Wednesday also picked wealthy Republican donor and school choice advocate Betsy DeVos to lead the Education Department, saying, “Under her leadership we will reform the US education system and break the bureaucrac­y that is holding our children back so that we can deliver world-class education and school choice to all families.”

DeVos, a billionair­e former chair of the Michigan Republican Party, has long pushed for a larger role for private education. In her own statement, DeVos said, “The status quo in education is not acceptable.”

In a video message released ahead of the Thanksgivi­ng holiday on Thursday, Trump said he hoped the holiday would be an occasion for Americans “to begin to heal our divisions” following a “long and bruising political campaign.”

 ??  ?? Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley
 ??  ?? Betsy DeVos
Betsy DeVos

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