China Daily Global Edition (USA)

What more to expect with Trump in office?


The gap between China and theUnited States in terms of national strength and internatio­nal influence has further narrowed this year. China’s interactio­ns with theUS on the regional security and economic orders, combined with its political stability and relatively decent economic growth, speak volumes about Beijing’s proposal at major events such as the G20 Leaders Summit in Hangzhou, East China’s Zhejiang province, to build an inclusive global order. And given the increasing number of economies recognizin­g the importance of China’s proposal and Beijing’s enhanced leadership capability, Sino-US ties are moving toward a more balanced state.

On its part, theUS has a long way to go to address the deep divisions at home exposed by Donald Trump’s election as the next president. TheUS’ attempts to contain the rise of China, epitomized by the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p Agreement that Trump has vowed to scrap on his first day in office, have been futile and discarded by most regional powers.

Besides, Trump’s call toUS allies such as Japan and the Republic of Korea to pitch in to sustain theUS’ military presence on their soil raises further questions onWashingt­on’s self-proclaimed capability of being the Asia-Pacific region’s leader.

Neither Beijing norWashing­ton has made any compromise in handling sensitive issues, especially the disputes in the South China Sea, the planned deployment of the TerminalHi­gh Altitude Area Defense anti-missile system in the ROK, and cross-Straits relations, adding more uncertaint­ies to Sino-US ties.

Since before the July “arbitral ruling” on the South China Sea dispute between China and the Philippine­s theUS has been playing up the “China threat” fallacy and dispatchin­g warplanes and cruisers close to China’s terri- torial waters in the name of “safeguardi­ng the freedom of navigation”. Seeing China as a strategic threat, theUS also has become more aggressive— the deployment of THAAD in the ROK and attempts to intervene in crossStrai­ts affairs are just two such examples.

China-US relations have witnessed unexpected twists this year, as frictions have increased over trade, long considered a cornerston­e of bilateral cooperatio­n, although the two countries seem to have resolved some disputes over what should be done to dissuade the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea from building nuclear weapons.

The Barack Obama administra­tion, a champion of the TPP and other exclusive agreements in the Asia-Pacific, has over-politicize­d the China-US relationsh­ip. It has also restricted the entry of Chinese enterprise­s such asHuawei Technologi­es Co and ZTE to theUS market, saying they pose a national security threat to the country.

Yet the two countries, as permanentU­NSecurity Council members, have agreed on fresh sanctions on the DPRK.

Despite the challenges, both nations basically remain committed to cooperatio­n, as shown by the dozens of bilateral deals inked after leadership meetings inHangzhou and Lima, Peru, where this year’s APEC meeting was held.

What the Trump administra­tion’s China policy will be is unclear. Unlike many of his predecesso­rs, he lacks proper understand­ing of the complexity of Beijing-Washington ties. No wonder he has nominated many officials with no executive experience in government to lead key department­s and has been indulging in “Twitter diplomacy”.

Given by Trump’s campaign promise to fix economic woes at home and create more jobs, however, one can say that his China policy will focus on trade-related issues, ranging from the Chinese currency’s exchange rate to trade deficits. But since the new US administra­tion, thanks to a slew of conservati­ves, is expected to take a hawkish stance on China over the South China Sea and THAAD issues, more frictions could be seen in both trade and security cooperatio­n. The author is a professor of US studies at China Foreign Affairs University.

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