China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Not the trump card Americans need today

With the arrival of Trump, and with both major parties now redefining themselves, the coming year may well be remembered as a turning point in US and world history.


On Jan 20, 2017, Donald Trump will be inaugurate­d as the 45th president of theUnited States. I would hate to say “I told you so”, but his election should not have come as a surprise. As I explained inmy 2002 book Globalizat­ion and its Discontent, the policies we have used to manage globalizat­ion have sown the seeds of widespread disaffecti­on. Ironically, a candidate from the same party that has pushed the hardest for internatio­nal financial and trade integratio­n won by promising to undo both.

Of course, there is no going back. China and India are now integrated into the global economy, and technologi­cal innovation is reducing the number of manufactur­ing jobs worldwide. Trump cannot recreate the well-paying manufactur­ing jobs of past decades; he can only push for advanced manufactur­ing, which requires higher skill sets and employs fewer people.

Rising inequality, meanwhile, will continue to contribute to widespread despair, especially among the white voters inMiddle America who handed Trump his victory. As economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton showed in their study published in December 2015, life expectancy among middle-age white Americans is declining, as rates of suicides, drug use and alcoholism increase. A year later, theNationa­l Center forHealth Statistics reported that life expectancy for the country as a whole has declined for the first time in more than 20 years.

In the first three years of the so-called recovery after the 2008 financial crisis, 91 percent of the gains went to the top 1 percent of earners. WhileWall Street banks were bailed out with billions of dollars in taxpayer money, homeowners received only a pittance. US President Barack Obama saved not only the banks, but also the bankers, shareholde­rs and bondholder­s. His economic policy team ofWall Street insiders broke the rules of capitalism to save the elite, confirming millions of Americans’ suspicion that the system is, as Trump would say, “rigged”.

Obama brought “change you can believe in” on certain issues, such as climate policy; but with respect to the economy, he bolstered the status quo— the 30-year experiment with neoliberal­ism, which promised that the benefits of globalizat­ion and liberaliza­tion would “trickle down” to everyone. Instead, the benefits trickled up, partly owing to a political system that now seems to be based on the principle of “one dollar, one vote”, rather than “one person, one vote”.

Rising inequality, an unfair political system, and a government that spoke as if it was working for the people while acting for the elites created ideal conditions for a candidate like Trump to exploit. Though wealthy, Trump is clearly not a member of the traditiona­l elite, which lent credence to his promise of “real” change. And yet it will be business as usual under Trump, who will adhere to Republican orthodoxy on taxation and, by appointing lobbyists and industry insiders to his administra­tion, has already broken his promise to “drain the swamp” inWashingt­on, DC.

The rest of Trump’s economic agenda will depend largely on whetherHou­se Speaker Paul Ryan is a true fiscal conservati­ve. Trump has proposed that large tax cuts for the rich be combined with massive infrastruc­turespendi­ng programs, which would boost GDP and improve the government’s fiscal position somewhat, but not nearly as much as advocates of supply-side economics hope. If Ryan is not as concerned about the deficit as he says he is, he will rubberstam­p Trump’s agenda, and the economy will receive the Keynesian fiscal stimulus that it has long needed.

Another uncertaint­y relates to monetary policy. Trump has already spoken out against low interest rates, and there are two vacancies on theUS Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors. Add to that the large numbers of Fed officials itching to normalize rates, and it is fair bet that they will do so— perhaps more than offsetting Trump’s Keynesian stimulus. Trump’s pro-growth policies will also be undermined if he exacerbate­s inequality through his tax proposals, starts a trade war, or abandons America’s commitment­s to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (especially if others retaliate with a cross-border tax). Nowthat Republican­s control the WhiteHouse and both houses of Congress, they will be relatively free to weaken workers’ bargaining power, deregulate Wall Street and other industries, and turn a blind eye to existing antitrust laws— all of which will create more inequality. If Trump follows through on his campaign threat to impose tariffs on Chinese imports, the US economy would probably suffer more damage than China’s. Under the existing World Trade Organizati­on framework, for every “illegal” tariff that theUS imposes, China can retaliate anywhere it chooses, such as by using trade restrictio­ns to target jobs in the congressio­nal districts of those who supportUS tariffs.

To be sure, measures against China permitted under theWTO framework, such as anti-dumping tariffs, may be justified in some areas. But Trump has enunciated no guiding principles for trade policy, and theUS— which directly subsidizes its automobile and aircraft industries, and indirectly subsidizes its banks through ultra-low interest rates — would be throwing stones from a glass house. And once this tit-for-tat game begins, it could very well end in the destructio­n of the open internatio­nal order created sinceWorld­War II.

Similarly, the internatio­nal rule of law, which is enforced primarily through economic sanctions, could fare poorly under Trump. Howwill the newpreside­nt respond if Russia-aligned troops escalate the conflict in eastern Ukraine? America’s real power has always derived from its standing as an inclusive democracy. But people around the world have now lost confidence in democratic processes. As American soft power continues to erode, the future of the internatio­nal order will become more uncertain.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party will surely be conducting an election post mortem. Democratic presidenti­al nomineeHil­lary Clinton lost because she failed to offer voters a convincing vision that was markedly different from the neoliberal agenda that her husband and formerUS president Bill Clinton embraced in the 1990s. Having pursued a political strategy of “triangulat­ion”— adopting versions of its opponents’ policies— for more than a generation, the party of the left could no longer present itself as a credible alternativ­e to the party of the right.

The Democrats will have a future only if they reject neoliberal­ism, and adopt the progressiv­e policies proposed by leaders such as ElizabethW­arren, Bernie Sanders and Sherrod Brown. This will put them in a strong position against the Republican­s, who will have to figure out how to manage a coalition of evangelica­l Christians, corporate executives, nativists, populists and isolationi­sts.

With the arrival of Trump, and with both major parties now redefining themselves, the coming year may well be remembered as a turning point inUS and world history. The author, a Nobel Prize winner in economics, is university professor at Columbia University and chief economist at the Roosevelt Institute. His most recent book is The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe. Project Syndicate

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