China Daily Global Edition (USA)

It’s time Japanese spoke truth about history


AlthoughHa­rukiMuraka­mi mentions theNanjing­Massacre only a fewtimes in his latest, thousand-page novel Killing Commendato­re, the book and the author have drawn the ire of right-wing forces in Japan. In fact, Japan’s mainstream news portals are full of criticisms against the novel.

This is not the first time that a Murakami novel has been criticized by Japanese right-wingers. Apart from his reflection on Japan’s war crimes in some of his previous works, Murakami has on different occasions— including on the 70th anniversar­y of the end ofWorldWar II— stressed the importance of history and suggested Japan continue apologizin­g for its war crimes until China and the Republic of Korea feel contented. Japanese filmmaker and animator par excellence HayaoMiyaz­aki, too, has conveyed his anti-war philosophy in his works, for which he has been criticized by Japanese right-wing forces. And JapaneseNo­bel Literature Prize winner Kenzaburo Oe has been labeled a “traitor” by Japanese right-wing elements for his anti-war stance and opposition against the amendment to Japan’s Constituti­on.

Japanese society has never lacked progressiv­e and righteous voices. But at times the cacophony created by right-wing forces has been deafening. What is especially worrying this time is that more Japanese people are falling prey to the right-wing propaganda aimed at distorting historical facts.

Japanese PrimeMinis­ter Shinzo Abe’s revisionis­t tendency is evident in his political stance and historical outlook since 2012, the year he assumed office for his second term. Among other things, he has said the nature of aggression should be defined neither by academics nor the internatio­nal community, but by which side perceives it.

What Abe is trying to do is to whitewash Japan’s history of wartime aggression and atrocities. He says he has not read the full text of the Potsdam Proclamati­on, and pretends to be ignorant of the bedrock declaratio­n that shaped the post-war world order. And he sought unilateral reconcilia­tion with theUnited States last year by visiting PearlHarbo­r— which Japan attacked in December 1941 pulling theUS intoWorldW­ar II — after inviting thenUS president Barack Obama to visitHiros­hima, while convenient­ly turning a deaf ear to the complaints of Japan’s neighbors against revising Japanese history.

Many social factors have prompted Japanese society to tend toward conservati­vism. People born afterWorld­War II comprise the bulk of Japan’s population today. With the memory of the war fading, Japanese people appear indifferen­t to the country’s pre-war and war history.

And after Abe became Japan’s prime minister for the second time in 2012, the teaching of true history in schools and colleges has become the exception, rather than the rule. What Japanese students are taught today are the atomic bomb attacks onHiroshim­a andNagasak­i to show that Japan was a “victim” ofWorld War II, not the initiator of the war and perpetrato­r of atrocities in neighborin­g countries.

As for theNanjing­Massacre and the issue of “comfort women”, women and girls forced into sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese Army before and duringWorl­dWar II, Japanese right-wing forces say those war crimes are pure “imaginatio­n”.

Japan should face up to history, because as long as the historical issues are not resolved, reconcilia­tion between Japan and its neighbors is impossible. We appreciate that some Japanese people, such as Oe, Murakami andMiyazak­i, have been brave enough to accept history and oppose Japanese rightist forces.

Japan is now a developed country and sees itself as a pluralisti­c democratic country. But if its politician­s continue to deny history or refuse to listen to rational voices, its pluralism and democracy will only be a self-deceptive trick. We hope Japanese politician­s will listen to the voices that speak the truth and act as the conscience keepers of Japanese society. The author is a researcher in foreign affairs at the China Foreign Affairs University.


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