China Daily Global Edition (USA)

A statute to protect country’s cyberspace


China’s cyber security law came into effect on June 1, just a few weeks after the ransomware virus Wannacry hit computers across the world. Designed to safeguard China’s cyberspace sovereignt­y and security, the law, contrary to what some foreign observers say, is not about limiting the flow of informatio­n or hampering internatio­nal trade, the cyber security watchdog said recently.

The new law, adopted by the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislatur­e, in November, will better shield key informatio­n infrastruc­ture and citizens’ personal informatio­n against hackers and data thieves.

The new law says informatio­n and important data in key fields should be especially protected. “Sensitive” infrastruc­ture, from public telecommun­ications services to the financial sector, must be carefully protected for the sake of citizens, who would suffer unnecessar­y losses if their personal informatio­n is leaked due to technologi­cal faults or stolen by data thieves. The 2010 cyberattac­k on the Natanz uranium enrichment plant in central Iran that disrupted the constructi­on is a case in point.

Another highlight of China’s cyber security law is the ban on online service providers collecting users’ personal informatio­n irrelevant to the service, because some of them sell it to make money illegally. It is universall­y agreed that citizens’ personal informatio­n should be lawfully obtained with their consent and in accordance with relevant laws. China has decided to improve its laws by following this global practice.

Online service providers, on the one hand, are allowed to build their own database to store customers’ informatio­n, as long as it is legally collected. On the other hand, they have the legal obligation to protect the informatio­n they collect from leaking.

In the era of digital economy, customers’ online and offline traces, from their shopping preference­s to how they commute, can be of great value to service providers. But such data exploitati­on must not come at the cost of citizens’ privacy, which specific provisions of the cyber security law vow to protect.

In particular, the law attaches equal importance to the ownership and use of data assets, by putting citizens’ individual rights before property rights. It stipulates that those who violate the provisions and infringe on personal informatio­n face hefty fines, reflecting the country’s determinat­ion to safeguard human rights and adjust to the digital age.

China’s cyber security laws and rules are in tandem with internatio­nally acknowledg­ed “codes of conduct” to counter cyberattac­ks and aimed at preventing potential cyber wars.

It is hoped that the United Nations will work on an internatio­nal treaty on cyber security and has called on willing members to help realize it. In theory, the treaty is supposed to ban one state from using the internet to target other sovereign states, prohibit terrorists from disseminat­ing radical literature and organizing terror attacks online, and urge all signatorie­s to rein in online viruses. Security authoritie­s are obligated to compensate victims of cyber crimes in other countries if their mishandlin­g of digital data is to blame for the crimes. Besides, a supervisio­n organ under the UN should be authorized to manage the issuance of domains. The author is a professor of law at Wuhan-based Zhongnan University of Economics and Law.


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