China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Xi urges Trump to honor US pledges

In phone call, he says ‘some negative factors’ need attention


China hopes the United States will appropriat­ely address issues regarding Taiwan by honoring the one-China policy and the three key bilateral joint statements made to date, President Xi Jinping told US President Donald Trump in a telephone conversati­on on Monday.

The conversati­on came at a time when two-way ties have been strained by Washington’s recently unveiled plan to sell arms to Taiwan and the incursion of a warship into Chinese territoria­l waters off the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea.

Observers warned that if Washington fails to do damage control, ties between the countries may fray, as an arms deal breaches US pledges in past official statements and betrays the one-China policy.

Xi said bilateral ties have been bolstered in important ways since his meeting with Trump at the Mar-aLago resort in the US in April, but added that ties are also “impacted by some negative factors”.

The two largest world economies should“focus on cooperatio­n and manage and control their difference­s”, Xi said.

Trump said the relationsh­ip has broad prospects, with both countries having a wide spectrum of common interests. The US government continues to uphold the one-China policy, and there has been no change in that position, he said.

Xi said China attach es great importance to Trump’s reaffirmat­ion of US adherence to the policy.

The two leaders agreed to meet on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany, this week and will continue to exchange views on issues of common concern, the Foreign Ministry said in a release.

Ruan Zongze, vice-president of the China Institute of Internatio­nal Studies, said the US arms sales to Taiwan“obviously breach US commitment­s” in the three key statements, while interferin­g with China’s domestic affairs and sending misleading signals to those who seek Taiwan independen­ce.

“Although Washington has many times reaffirmed that it subscribes to the one-China policy, it should take actions that honor its words, rather than eating its words,” Ruan said.

Yin Zhuo, director of the Expert Consultati­on Committee of the People’s Liberation Army Navy, said that despite the negative factors clouding overall ties, the two militaries have institutio­nalized dialogue mechanisms and frequent exchanges of officers to help eliminate doubts and mistrust.

When referring to the challenges facing the global economy, Xi said it is necessary for China and the US to work with other G20 member economies to strengthen the group’s role and reinforce concerted efforts.

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