China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Trump has new chief of staff


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is looking for a fresh start with a new White House chief of staff. And he’s still clinging to an old battle, refusing to give up on health care.

Faced with a stalled legislativ­e agenda, infighting among West Wing aides and a stack of investigat­ions, Trump is hoping that retired Gen. John Kelly can bring some order as his next chief of staff. Trump tapped Kelly, his Homeland Security secretary, last week to take over for Reince Priebus, who he ultimately viewed as ineffectiv­e.

Starting Monday, Kelly must try to exert control over a chaotic White House, but his ability to do so will depend on how much authority he is granted and whether Trump’s dueling aides will put aside their rivalries to work together.

Also unclear is whether a new chief of staff will influence the president’s social media use.

A battle-hardened commander, Kelly is entering a West Wing battered by crisis. Over the past week, Trump’s new communicat­ions director, Anthony Scaramucci, attacked Priebus in a profanity-laced tirade to a reporter, Trump drew criticism for his public attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and the latest effort by Senate Republican­s to overhaul the nation’s health care law failed.

White House budget director Mick Mulvaney praised Priebus, but said Trump “wants a little bit more discipline, a little more structure in there. You know that he enjoys working with generals.”

Former Trump campaign manager Cory Lewandowsk­i, who was ousted from the campaign in 2016, said on NBC that he expected Kelly would “restore order to the staff” but also stressed that Trump was unlikely to change his style.

“I say you have to let Trump be Trump. That is what has made him successful over the last 30 years. That is what the American people voted for,” Lewandowsk­i said. “And anybody who thinks they’re going to change Donald Trump doesn’t know Donald Trump.”

Kelly starts his new job as tensions escalate with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The US flew two supersonic bombers over the Korean Peninsula on Sunday, following the DPRK’s latest interconti­nental ballistic missile test.

 ??  ?? New White House Chief of Staff John Kelly (near left) and former chief of staff Reince Priebus. Kelly takes over starting Monday following Priebus’ dismissal by US President Donald Trump last week.
New White House Chief of Staff John Kelly (near left) and former chief of staff Reince Priebus. Kelly takes over starting Monday following Priebus’ dismissal by US President Donald Trump last week.

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