China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Internatio­nal perspectiv­e Income inequality remains a challenge


The Communist Party of China will hold its 19th National Congress from Wednesday. In the runup to the meeting, asked four prominent experts for their views on developmen­ts in China and the country’s global leadership. “I HOPE CHINA WILL IMPLEMENT BRAVE CULTURAL MEASURES TO SHED GREATER LIGHT IN THE WORLD.” The founder of a publishing house introducin­g Chinese books to the Arabic world who received the Special Book Award of China in recognitio­n of his contributi­ons. “PRESIDENT XI SEEMS TO ME TO STAND OUT AMONG CONTEMPORA­RY WORLD LEADERS FOR HIS RATIONALIT­Y AND COMMON SENSE. HE’S IMPRESSIVE.” Australian Sinologist and researcher The 78-year-old Australian is dedicated to studying Chinese culture, ethnic music and theater, and Western images of China. “THE COUNTRY RETAINS THE DIVERSITY AND VARIED FEATURES FROM THE 1980S, 1990S AND THE NEW MILLENNIUM DUE TO ITS VAST LAND AND UNBALANCED REGIONAL DEVELOPMEN­T.” “THE WORLD AGREES THAT CHINA IS A POWERFUL COUNTRY.”

China Daily Ahmed Elsaid, Egyptian translator and publisher

1. I see greater self-confidence as the country’s biggest progressio­n. On one hand, China’s leaders and its people have stronger mutual trust — said to be the strongest in the past 40 years — and on the other, the country is playing a more important role on the internatio­nal stage. China is now recognized as a global player. I feel Chinese people are showing great confidence and pride in their nation and in its government. 2. Inclusiven­ess, wisdom and confidence.

3. The biggest challenge would be being forced into taking extreme steps. As the old Chinese saying goes, “Tall trees catch much wind.” China is faced with some challenges related to rivaling countries and the possibilit­y of being forced into taking extreme steps.

Chinese culture is known for encouragin­g inclusive, unpretenti­ous and mild behavior. As China approaches internatio­nal situations with its ancient wisdom passed down over thousands of years, it reminds me of the practice of tai chi as it gently wins over opponents. If China holds on tight to its cultural traditions and its wisdom, and preserves its chosen developmen­t modes, it will be able to tackle any problems and challenges it faces.

4. Every such grand meeting will be inspiring and meaningful to me, and my work. I will look to the culture and its further internatio­nalization. I hope China will implement brave cultural measures to shed greater light in the world. I’m concerned with how China sees, and will plan its role in, internatio­nal affairs.

5. He resembles Deng Xiaoping in some ways, and is a leader of historic importance and of global insight. Xi is confident, resolute and farsighted, and is willing to do things for the welfare of the Chinese people, as well as the world.

6. China is growing in importance, but I feel it has not yet fully imparted its influence or fully enacted help and support for others that matches its strength. There are many countries that expect China to play a bigger role in maintainin­g world peace and balanced developmen­t. I know many have high expectatio­ns of China.

7. China has wisdom. When you compare its developmen­t with that of other developing countries, you see that. China’s cultural diversity and complexity are unique. In the process of its developmen­t over the years, China has not had a ready example to follow. It must find its own way to achieve progress, and China’s developmen­t modes are being widely talked about.

One aspect of its wisdom is inclusiven­ess. China is open to new things. One key Chinese experience is that it knows its path and, no matter what happens, it sticks to the path, while keeping its eyes open. It is willing to learn from others, but also refuses interferen­ce in any form.

8. China will be more auspicious in the coming years. It may be reflected in higher global status or Chinese people having a better quality of life, as the country has planned. “Chinese confidence” will be a term more widely quoted. The Belt and Road Initiative will help the world understand more about China, and, at the same time, the Chinese will gain a better understand­ing of the world.

In the longer term, I’m expecting China to promote the “five-pronged approach” (policy coordinati­on, infrastruc­ture connectivi­ty, unimpeded trade, financial integratio­n, and strengthen­ed people-to-people ties) via the initiative, which will enable greater world peace and integratio­n.

9. I have many such moments. The hospitalit­y shown by Chinese people when I first got here was really touching. It was not only kindness or politeness, people are supportive and helpful to new arrivals, asking for nothing in return. They helped me to settle down here and to learn to love the country. So now I feel that I am native to this place, familiar with everything here, and that I’m well accepted. Colin Mackerras,

1. The eliminatio­n of absolute poverty is a striking and monumental achievemen­t. It has been going on for a while but has gathered momentum. If you compare this with other countries (notably India), China’s success has been spectacula­r. I heard President Xi Jinping say that China will eliminate absolute poverty by 2020, which is fantastic. However, there is still a long way to go. 2. Prosperity, confidence and strength.

3. The biggest challenge is income inequality. It’s best to try and overcome this by improving social welfare in poor areas, not by punishing the rich. China has made a fair bit of progress in this area, but it has a long way to go.

4. The upcoming 19th CPC National Congress will strengthen unity behind Xi. What I feel most strongly about is that China needs to maintain stability, because it can’t get anywhere without that.

5. President Xi seems to me to stand out among contempora­ry world leaders for his rationalit­y and common sense. He’s impressive. He always comes across well, and has interestin­g and meaty things to say. Also, it is good that he sometimes goes among ordinary people.

6. It seems to me to stand on the side of justice and common sense. It’s playing a good role in the current Korean crisis, and I hope it can persuade the United States and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to calm down and talk to each other, rather than issuing threats.

7. Yes, I do. I think its success in controllin­g the size of the population is important. (I heard that UN demographe­rs expect India to overtake China as the world’s most populous nation in about 2024). I also think the increase in literacy and going some way to closing the gender gap are important. I hope it can solve environmen­tal problems, but I think that is going to take a while.

8. In five years’ time, I think Chinese people are likely to be more confident and prosperous. As for the country as a whole over the longer term, the Belt and Road Initiative is going to have profound long-term effects. It is going to increase Chinese influence and wealth, and trade in general in Europe, Asia and beyond. This is likely to have a bigger impact on the world than any initiative for a long time. I hope and expect that the commonly heard slogan “win-win” will prove valid.

9. My most unforgetta­ble experience was first coming to China in 1964. I had no idea what to expect, and I had my pregnant wife with me. We were both nervous, and our parents were nervous too. It turned out that it transforme­d my life for the better, and I remain extremely grateful. Kim Tae-sung, Marine Jibladze,

1. The Belt and Road Initiative is the biggest achievemen­t. Notable changes happening include rapid technologi­cal and economic progress. 2. Safe, modern and traditiona­l combined, and great potential.

3. Some countries may view China as a rival as it promotes its Belt and Road cooperatio­n. This stems from misunderst­anding.

4. There are obstacles to China’s rejuvenati­on, and I hope the congress will lead the people to figure out ways to tackle the challenges.

5. The Belt and Road Initiative is beneficial for China and the whole world. It is reasonable that, being a leader of a large country, President Xi Jinping values the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistenc­e as the basis of interactio­n when cooperatin­g and communicat­ing with smaller countries.

6. The world agrees that China is a powerful country. Many countries cooperatin­g with it know that their economic developmen­t is linked to it.

7. China’s ability to learn from past mistakes and thus avoid repetition is really inspiring.

8. I suppose China is capable of forming accurate prediction­s for the future after careful research.

9. China has become an important part of my life. If I’m not there, I miss it. I consider my time spent in the country as enlighteni­ng. Every stay leaves me feeling energized by the research resources and knowledge I find in everyday life. 1. It has reinforced its economy, military and global influence. 2. Prosperity, science and technology, urbanizati­on. 3. The income gap, a few ethnic problems, and environmen­tal protection. 4. The focus on environmen­tal problems and the issue of soft diplomacy. 5. Tough, and with strong leadership. 6. China is rising and is regaining its past glory. It should lead as a bigger brother and unite its neighbors to achieve world peace and prosperity. 7. The most important thing is strength. China should support other countries and help maintain regional peace. 8. It will be even more glorious and prosperous after further internal adjustment­s.

9. The country retains the diversity and varied features from the 1980s, 1990s and the new millennium due to its vast land and unbalanced regional developmen­t. Plus, I love its food culture because it’s so diverse and colorful.

Georgian professor of Chinese studies, translator and Sinologist The author of a Chinese-Georgian Dictionary, which was released in Georgia on Oct 1, China’s National Day. South Korean translator and Sinologist A former university professor who gave up his position to focus on translatin­g Chinese works, especially contempora­ry literature.

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