China Daily Global Edition (USA)

2,500-year-old mummy found in ‘empty’ coffin


SYDNEY — Staff at the University of Sydney’s Nicholson Museum in Australia discovered a 2,500-year-old Egyptian mummy inside a coffin that was thought to be empty.

The coffin was originally bought from an antiquity market in Egypt in 1858 by Sir Charles Nicholson, one of the first chancellor­s at the university, said archaeolog­ist and investigat­ion lead Jamie Fraser.

“One of the curators in 1940 published a catalog saying that the coffin was empty so we had this perceived wisdom that there wasn’t very much there,” Fraser said.

But recently, when Fraser decided to take some photograph­s of the underside of the coffin for the museum’s records, staff thought they better determine what was inside before they moved it onto scaffoldin­g.

“Our records said that either it was empty or there was mixed debris in it,” Fraser said.

“We expected a few bandages or maybe a couple of bones, but when we took the lid off we were just astonished by what we found.”

Although it’s not known who the person was or how they got to be inside the coffin, investigat­ors have discovered a few helpful clues that might help solve the mystery.

“The coffin was made for a woman called Mer-neith-ites and we know that she lived in Egypt around 600 BC due to the style of the coffin,” Fraser said.

“We also know she worked in the temple of the goddess Sekhmet because it tells us that on the coffin as well.”

“What we don’t know is if the remains inside the coffin are Mer-neith-ites herself because many coffins that were bought in the mid 19th century from the antiquitie­s markets would have coffins and mummies sold as an ensemble but they did not necessaril­y fit together.”

Researcher­s believe that due

... But when we took the lid off we were just astonished by what we found.” lead archaeolog­ist of the investigat­ion

Jamie Fraser, to the mummy’s bad condition, the coffin was almost certainly a target of tomb robbers.

“They tore the mummy apart to try and get all the jewels and amulets,” Fraser said.

“Then the coffin was transporte­d to the dealership shop and then moved by Nicholson to London and then onto Sydney, so there is a mixture of many bones, bandages and beads.”

Although the body is not entirely intact, Fraser believes it presents a unique opportunit­y for further study.

“When you have a complete mummy, you have an ethical responsibi­lity to treat these people as they intended to be treated, we don’t want to unwrap them, we want to preserve them,” he said.

“Although we can use digital tools to scan a complete mummy, we don’t ever actually get to handle the bones, so now the next step is for a forensic archaeolog­ist to lay the bones out and perform an analysis on what they ate, what their lifestyle was like and how they died.

“These answers lie in pathology of the bones.”

Meanwhile, Egypt received three mummy parts that had been smuggled to the United States in 1927, the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquitie­s said in a statement on Tuesday. the

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