China Daily Global Edition (USA)

To prom is not cultural appropriat­ion


approval and appreciati­on for Keziah. In English media outlets, however, the phrase “cultural appropriat­ion” kept coming up. For the uninitiate­d, the term refers to artifacts, symbols or ideas originally from a minority group inappropri­ately adopted or displayed by a culturally dominant group, for instance, when a white person puts on adornments of an indigenous people.

The word qipao is a combinatio­n of qi, which refers to the “Man” ethnic group (or the Manchurian­s) of the Qing Dynasty, and pao, which means robe. The Han people made up the overwhelmi­ng majority of the Chinese population during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) — as they do today — but toward the later stages of the Qing rule, the Hans adopted the dress tradition of the Manchurian­s, a minority group. If that’s not cultural appropriat­ion, it should not be an issue for an American to wear a qipao to prom either.

Many of the critics of Keziah are Asian Americans, who are very likely minority groups in their own communitie­s. I can partly understand their frustratio­n. When they wear dresses like qipaos to events they may be laughed at as exotic, or frowned upon as challengin­g the local culture, instead of assimilati­ng into it.

So why is it fine for an American to wear such dresses? The differenti­ated cultural treatment has white privilege written all over it.

Having two kids growing up in the United States, I can understand the struggles of Chinese students in US schools. Chinese Americans, even if they are born and raised in the US, often feel like aliens. Some prejudices and discrimina­tions are real and hurtful.

For instance, in college admissions, students of Chinese descent often have to work against affirmativ­e action-based practices that put them at a disadvanta­ge. They often have to score much higher in American College Test or SAT (formerly Scholastic Assessment Test) to have the same opportunit­ies as other Americans. Now, even in matters of dresses, it seems other groups are trying to take their place.

Keziah later explained that she wore a qipao to show her appreciati­on for Chinese culture. Since she claimed to have intended no offense, none should be taken. Issues like this are subject to highly subjective interpreta­tions that are not based on entrenched common cultural understand­ing. However, Keziah should not have peppered her responses with swear words, even if she is frustrated with the unfair backlash.

For the Chinese American youths who took offense, I would advise them to look beyond the narrative of cultural appropriat­ion. Chinese cultural heritage is little known beyond the confines of the Chinese communitie­s. Go to Netflix and find the category for Chinese movies, and you will see the majority of them are kung fu movies. Chinese elements in a non-Chinese environmen­t are pathetical­ly few, and those that get to stick in popular culture are being abused into clichés.

If someone finds qipao to add to the list of Chinese elements, it should be celebrated, not resented. If someone catches you off guard by using your heritage, treat it as a wakeup call for you to represent it better yourself. Where there is ignorance, enhance understand­ing. If you see others as disrespect­ing your heritage, ask if you have respected it yourself.

You, too, can display artifacts that show pride in your parents’ or grandparen­ts’ origins. People may laugh at you, but be persistent and proud.

Who says it is easy to shape an identity that is both unique and nonconfron­tational?

It is my experience that the US is not exactly a melting pot. It is a hot pot sizzling with the same soup into which everyone can throw in his or her own favorite veggie or meat. The author is a US-based instructio­nal designer, literary translator and columnist writing on cross-cultural issues.

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