China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Buenos Aires, Beijing ties on upswing

- By AN BAIJIE in Buenos Aires

China and Argentina, both influentia­l developing nations, should jointly support multilater­alism and build an open and inclusive world economy, President Xi Jinping said on Sunday.

Xi made the remark while meeting with Argentine President Mauricio Macri in Buenos Aires during a state visit to the South American country after he attended the G20 Leaders’ Summit on Friday and Saturday.

The two leaders witnessed the signing of a series of cooperatio­n deals after their talks. China would like to increase its imports of products and services from Argentina and facilitate bilateral trade, Xi said.

He noted that it was the fifth meeting between the two presidents in the past two years, setting a record in China-Argentina relations.

The two leaders agreed to map out a blueprint of bilateral relations with a broad vision and to make joint efforts to create a new era for the China-Argentina comprehens­ive strategic partnershi­p.

Saying that the internatio­nal situation is undergoing complex changes and facing new challenges, Xi said the two countries should deepen practical cooperatio­n in all areas and make new contributi­ons to global peace, stability and prosperity.

They should continue to support each other on issues related to core interests and major concerns, and firmly support each other’s developmen­t path, Xi said.

Mentioning that Argentina’s economy has experience­d fluctuatio­ns this year, Xi said China will take concrete action to support the country’s financial stability. China is confident about the future of Argentina’s developmen­t, he added.

Xi proposed the two countries enhance communicat­ion and cooperatio­n under the Belt and Road framework, connect their developmen­t strategies and promote bilateral cooperatio­n in all areas.

The two countries should boost exchanges of youth, culture, education, tourism and sports to increase mutual understand­ing between the peoples of both nations, he said.

Xi said China would like to enhance coordinati­on with Argentina under multilater­al systems and ensure that the outcomes of economic globalizat­ion provide more benefits to developing countries.

As a sincere friend and partner of the Latin American people, China believes that Latin American countries have the wisdom and capability to achieve peace, stability and vitality, he said, adding that China would like to make joint efforts with them to build a community with a shared future for both sides.

Xi congratula­ted Argentina on the success of the recent leaders’ summit, saying that it sent correct, positive and reassuring signals to the world. He noted that during the meeting, leaders of major countries reached consensuse­s and issued a declaratio­n, all of which have great significan­ce.

The success of the meeting will be helpful in maintainin­g the multilater­al trading system, building an open global economy and injecting impetus to the global market, he said.

Macri welcomed Xi’s visit and expressed gratitude for China’s help and support in his country’s developmen­t.

Noting that this year marks the 40th anniversar­y since the launch of China’s reform and opening-up policy, Macri congratula­ted the country on its great achievemen­ts in economic developmen­t and poverty reduction.

Also on Sunday, Xi received Argentina’s highest decoration, the Order of the Liberator General San Martin.

President Xi Jinping’s official visits to Argentina and Panama, following his attendance at the just concluded G20 Leaders’ Summit in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires on the weekend, will turn a new page in China’s relations with these two countries and help further enhance reciprocal cooperatio­n between China and Latin America.

In his meeting with Argentine President Mauricio Macri on Sunday, the two leaders agreed to jointly open up a new era for the comprehens­ive strategic partnershi­p between the two countries. They also vowed to continue cooperatio­n on various infrastruc­ture projects, energy and agricultur­e while promoting collaborat­ion in such fields as culture, education, tourism and environmen­tal protection.

Both China and Argentina are major developing countries and emerging-market economies, and both are staunch supporters of multilater­alism and an open and inclusive global economy. Their pledge to foster even closer bilateral ties will cater to the interests of both countries and offer support to the global economic system as well as contribute to China’s relationsh­ip with Latin America.

As for Xi’s visit to Panama this week, the first by a Chinese president, its significan­ce goes beyond the bilateral scope as Panama — a country with strategic importance in internatio­nal shipping and trade, which only establishe­d formal diplomatic ties with China last year — has been the first Latin American country to sign a memorandum of understand­ing with China to promote the Belt and Road Initiative.

The past one and half years have witnessed a strong momentum in bilateral cooperatio­n featuring both efficiency and initial achievemen­ts, and the rosy picture for bilateral ties shows the strong appeal of China to Latin American countries.

It is not only the desire to tap the vast potential of the Chinese market but also the recognitio­n that China’s developmen­t dividends can be shared.

Xi left for Argentina after visiting Spain and he will return to China after visiting Portugal, highlighti­ng the historical ties between the Old World and New World and how the revival of the ancient Silk Road trade routes which now link China to Europe and to Latin America.

True, Latin America is a sensitive region in geopolitic­s. But China has no intention of seeking a sphere of influence there. Attempts to malign China’s cooperatio­n with countries is at best ignorant or worst ill-intentione­d.

China is not engaged in a zero-sum game in the region. It is working with Latin American countries to build logistics, electricit­y and informatio­n pathways. This is not as a means to pursue geopolitic­al competitio­n, but rather as a way to realize shared growth.

For despite the current challenges facing Latin America, China is confident the growth prospects for the region are bright, and it will continue to work with partners in the region, including Argentina and Panama, for shared developmen­t.

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