China Daily Global Edition (USA)

No quick fix for decades-old Israeli-Palestinia­n enmity


Concern over the recent escalation of tensions between Palestinia­ns and Israelis have been temporaril­y relieved after Palestinia­n leaders in Gaza agreed a cease-fire with Israel early on Monday. Right now, nothing is more important than upholding the cease-fire as the atmosphere between the two rivals has not been so combustibl­e since 2014.

Since Friday, militant groups in Gaza have fired more than 600 rockets and other projectile­s at southern Israeli cities and villages, killing four Israeli civilians, with Israel retaliatin­g with air and artillery strikes, killing 27 people, including 14 civilians, in Gaza.

The latest border clashes, the most deadly since 2014, have occurred against the backdrop of the changing Middle East policy of the United States, which has seen the US drop any pretense of impartiali­ty and make clear its support of Israel.

It was Washington’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and Israeli sovereignt­y over the Golan Heights that fueled the massive protests from Palestinia­ns and the Arab world and deepened the enmity between the Palestinia­ns and Israelis.

The Trump administra­tion has closely aligned itself with Israel’s right wing, and on Sunday night, US President Donald Trump reinforced this when he tweeted his “100%” support for Israel’s actions, blaming the violence on “terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad”.

Israel and Hamas have fought three wars since the Islamic militant group seized control of Gaza from Western-backed Palestinia­n forces in 2007, but its leader Ismail Haniyeh said Hamas is “not interested in a new war” and is ready to “return to the state of calm” if Israel stops its attacks “and immediatel­y starts implementi­ng understand­ings about a dignified life”. In the past, Hamas has halted attacks in return for the easing of an Egyptian and Israeli blockade imposed on Gaza.

US policy has done a disservice to the internatio­nal community’s efforts to advance the Middle East peace process and the remarks by the president’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner indicating that an upcoming US peace plan does not include a two-state solution with the Palestinia­ns shows the US is hoping to undermine the internatio­nal consensus built on that premise. Given its complex and chronic nature, there is no quick remedy to the decades-old enmity between Israelis and Palestinia­ns. But both sides need to exercise the utmost restraint so as to avoid sparking another vicious circle of violence.

Meanwhile, the latest bloodshed should convince the internatio­nal community of the urgency of finding a way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict. The US is in no position to act as mediator, but it should avoid doing anything to make the situation worse. And notwithsta­nding the US stance, the consensus on a two-state solution needs to be shored up and greater efforts need to be made to resolve the Palestinia­n-Israeli issue through dialogue and negotiatio­ns.

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