China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Africa must take steps to safeguard food security

- By Lillian Wamuyu

Globally, most countries are still grappling with food insecurity. According to the Food and Agricultur­e Organizati­on of the United Nations, about 690 million people did not have enough to eat in 2019. By December 2020, more than 250 million people in Africa were faced with severe food insecurity.

In Africa, the situation is exacerbate­d by extreme weather, ranging from floods and drought, that has disrupted agricultur­al patterns. Further, the onset of an invasion by desert locusts in 2020 left a trail of destructio­n. The locust invasion has yet to be contained in most parts of the affected countries in the Horn of Africa.

Other drivers escalating food insufficie­ncy in Africa include prolonged conflicts, which put pressure on constraine­d economies and disrupt livelihood­s. Furthermor­e, forced displaceme­nts and the burden of refugees offset the food systems of affected regions or host countries.

COVID-19 also intensifie­d hunger for the most vulnerable population­s. Lockdowns, curfews and border closures significan­tly disrupted major sectors, notably agricultur­al

supply chains. This affected a sector that accounts for 60 percent of employment in Africa.

In August, the national unemployme­nt rate in Kenya had increased to 10.4 percent, according to a report by the country’s National Bureau of Statistics. This situation had a significan­t impact on low-income earners and brought their food purchasing power to a near halt.

It is expected that the long-term effect will make it difficult for Africa to attain the United Nations’ Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goal 2 of zero hunger by 2030.

Therefore, there is a pressing need for the continent’s government­s to initiate measures to safeguard food security and speed up the recovery of the agricultur­al sector. This calls for concerted efforts among key stakeholde­rs in the public and private sectors as well as developmen­t agencies.

To safeguard Africa’s food systems during the pandemic, government­s instituted immediate and short-term measures to cushion the most vulnerable population­s. These included food packs for targeted low-income households, economic stimulus packages, cash transfers for urban and rural poor, tax relief on income, and review of valueadded tax for small and mediumsize­d enterprise­s and individual small businesses.

Medium- and long-term actions are needed to build resilience during and beyond the pandemic, and government­s should develop early warning mechanisms. This will enhance states’ preparedne­ss in dealing with causes of food deficiency.

Government­s in Africa must also invest in safety-net protection systems to safeguard their citizens’ basic needs in times of pandemics.

On April 16, 2020, African ministers for agricultur­e, with the support of the African Union Commission, made a declaratio­n on food security and nutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic. Measures were meant to reduce disruption­s to the food and agricultur­e systems and to support the livelihood­s and food security of the most vulnerable.

Furthermor­e, states in the larger East Africa and Horn of Africa region should collaborat­e to address climate change-related food insecurity. Concerted efforts and vigilance in tackling fresh infestatio­n of desert locusts in parts of the region should be enhanced.

Sustainabl­e measures that the continent can take to protect food systems include increasing productivi­ty by building capacity in the agricultur­al sector, investing in proper food storage and preservati­on to cut pre- and post-production wastage, promoting food diversific­ation and including indigenous foods that are more resilient to climate change shocks.

Regional states should enhance collaborat­ion to safeguard food security at the domestic and regional levels. These would include wellcoordi­nated cross-border movements and effective management of COVID-19 restrictio­ns to facilitate the timely passage and delivery of food products.

Countries should remove artificial barriers to regional trade and the agricultur­al market.

There also is the need to address such drivers of food insecurity as conflicts. Government­s in conflictse­nsitive situations should collaborat­e with humanitari­an aid and developmen­t agencies to ensure that food assistance reaches vulnerable population­s, such as refugees and internally displaced people.

Given that food insecurity in Africa compounds existing socioecono­mic challenges, the continent must safeguard its food systems through and beyond the crisis.

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