China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Nations entitled to choose own paths

- Zhu Rui

The rise of developing countries and emerging markets has become an irreversib­le trend since the turn of the century, with the new round of scientific and industrial revolution creating more opportunit­ies for the developing world.

Yet the world is struggling with the worst economic downturn since World War II due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and hegemonism, unilateral­ism and trade protection­ism have undermined the world order and global governance. These factors have dealt a blow to all countries, particular­ly the developing nations that are still in the process of modernizat­ion and social transforma­tion, and busy tackling social and economic issues at home and abroad.

The developing countries still have a long way to go to find a path of developmen­t that suits their real conditions and play a more active role in improving global governance, which is a common mission of the developing world and political parties.

Political parties represent the public, make and implement policies and thus play a leading role in national governance. The ideals, values and governance capabiliti­es of political parties, particular­ly the ruling parties, determine the prospects of their countries. This is the view that the Communist Party of China shares with the parties in many other developing countries.

In the post-pandemic period when the political and economic landscapes around the world are likely to reflect radical changes, the developing world will face both challenges and opportunit­ies, so they should expand country-tocountry exchanges to modernize their governance systems and improve their governance capacity, and fulfill the responsibi­lities given to them by the people.

First, it is important for a party to stay true to its founding principles and mission, and to guide public opinion in a positive direction. Since political parties derive their power from the people, serving the people should be their highest goal. This is especially important at a time when the world is reeling from the devastatin­g impacts of the pandemic, including economic recession. So political parties should empathize with people’s sufferings and respond to their needs in time.

Second, it is important that developing countries choose the path of developmen­t that suits their real conditions and is relatively independen­t of others, and the ruling party fulfills the responsibi­lity of transformi­ng the will of the people into theories and programs, and setting the targets the country should reach and the direction it should take. This will ensure the country’s people have the biggest say in its developmen­t.

Only the wearer knows whether the shoes fit well or not. There is no onesize-fits-all developmen­t model because the real conditions, traditions and cultures of different countries are different. Also, developmen­t models are neither superior nor inferior. They are either suitable or not suitable for a country.

Third, strengthen­ing self-constructi­on is important for political parties, as it helps them maintain their vigor and vitality. These problems, however, are more than a test for a country’s governance system and capability. They are a test for the ruling party’s leadership as well. Hence, political parties in developing countries, especially the ruling parties, should make greater efforts to improve their governance system and capability.

Fourth, it is significan­t to deepen reform and promote innovation in order to boost developmen­t.

As President Xi Jinping said, the new round of technologi­cal and industrial revolution has created a golden opportunit­y for developmen­t and given birth to new drivers of growth. By seizing the opportunit­y, developing countries can catch up with their developed counterpar­ts, and if they fail to do so, the gap between them and the developed world will widen further.

Under such circumstan­ces, political parties in developing countries should make the best use of the opportunit­y to not only boost their economy but also achieve economic restructur­ing and narrow the gap with the developed world.

The CPC maintains close contact with more than 560 political parties and organizati­ons in over 160 countries, a majority of which are developing countries.

Many of these parties have praised the achievemen­ts China has made and acknowledg­ed the key role the CPC has played in the process, and said China’s success in building socialism with Chinese characteri­stics provides a new reference for developing nations to explore their own developmen­t path.

Especially, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as its core, China has largely contained the pandemic and resumed near-normal economic activities. Not to mention it has also eradicated absolute poverty.

These achievemen­ts show the effectiven­ess of China’s socialist governance system, and have prompted political parties more and more in developing countries to increase exchanges and cooperatio­n with the CPC in various fields.

President Xi has said that no matter to what extent China develops and how much the internatio­nal situation change, the country will always stand with other developing countries and continue to be their reliable friend and sincere partner.

The CPC will celebrate the 100th anniversar­y of its founding, continue to deepen exchanges and work with more parties to expand the common ground of developing countries, help safeguard the developed world’s collective interests on the global stage, and achieve common prosperity.

The CPC will also continue to make efforts to bring more happiness to the Chinese people, realize the national rejuvenati­on of China, and promote peace and developmen­t across the world.

The views don’t necessaril­y represent those of China Daily.

 ??  ?? The author is the assistant minister of the Internatio­nal Department of the CPC Central Committee.
The author is the assistant minister of the Internatio­nal Department of the CPC Central Committee.

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