China Daily Global Edition (USA)

BBC’s credibilit­y sinks to new low


On July 29, the Informatio­n Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China lodged solemn representa­tions with the head of the media agency in China regarding the British Broadcasti­ng Corporatio­n’s distorted reports and unreasonab­le statements on the heavy rain in Henan province.

It said that the BBC’s reports distorted the Chinese government’s efforts to organize rescue efforts and the real situation of local people’s courage to save themselves, made insinuatin­g attacks on the Chinese government, and were full of ideologica­l prejudice and double standards.

Although its reports angered the Chinese people, the BBC chose not to reflect on its bias but instead issued a “statement” that reversed black and white, arbitraril­y accusing China.

Foreign journalist­s enjoy the right to freely report in China according to the law, but they are expected to report objectivel­y and accurately.

If the BBC continues to practice its ideologica­l prejudice and double standard while reporting China, and baselessly smear and attack the country, its trust deficit in China will continue to build up.

Its controvers­ial reporting on the Henan floods is only the latest example of its distorted coverage of China. Its reporting on Xinjiang and the pandemic prevention and control work in China are typical examples of its reporting which is full of subjective assumption­s and prejudices. The BBC reporters are very skilled at quoting a remark out of context and leaving out their interviewe­es’ main points, and they consistent­ly hype up a stereotype­d image of China as a country where people have no freedom.

These practices openly defy journalist­ic ethics and the codes of the profession. That the BBC tries to justify its wrongdoing­s under the pretext of freedom of the press only reflects its unprofessi­onalism and ideologica­l prejudice against China. No wonder BBC reporters always complain that it is becoming more difficult to work in China.

These have formed a vicious circle, as while trying to distort the image of China, the BBC is actually candidly revealing itself.

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