China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Arguments based on false claim

Some little known historical facts about McMahon Line show that Indian ex-diplomat makes distorted narration in his book

- The author is an associate professor of the Academy of History and Documentat­ion of Socialism at the East China Normal University. The author contribute­d this article to China Watch, a think tank powered by China Daily. The views do not necessaril­y reflec

In his book, The Long Game, How the Chinese Negotiate with India, recently published by Penguin, Vijay Gokhale, ex-foreign secretary of India, deliberate­ly distorts the McMahon Line, the status of Tibet, the Simla Convention and so on. For example, in his book, Goklale once again claims China has “suzerainty” over Tibet, the Simla Convention “delineated” a boundary line between “Outer Tibet” and British India, and the People’s Liberation Army “invaded” Tibet in 1950, which seriously twists the real history. Hence, I will show some unknown historical facts about the McMahon Line on the basis of original British archives.

First, the McMahon Line was a result of the British imperialis­t expansion strategy of the “Scientific Frontier”. British imperialis­ts issued the expansion strategy in the 19th century, which was to forward the traditiona­l Indian border running along with the plains of the Indus River and Ganges River to a further place that could strategica­lly and militarily secure British India colony better in the context of “the Great Game” between Britain and Russia. With this motive, the British authoritie­s in India launched the Great Trigonomet­rical Survey, “Divide and Rule”, “Paramountc­y System” and “Forward Policy” to set up three defensive lines for the British colony: an inner line, an outer line and a series of buffer zones. The inner line was British India’s administra­tion line and the other two were set up in other countries. The British authoritie­s in India met big trouble in Assam following sending troops to seize Myanmar’s land via the AngloMyanm­ar wars, then it changed its forward policy as map expansion without sending troops to annex territory or disturb the local people, because it mainly aimed to get a defensive line on the map to prevent Russia far from British India. For this purpose, the British unilateral­ly drew the McMahon Line (Referring to “Report on the Chinese Frontier of India”, by Archibald Rose, FO 371/ 84262, Adam Matthew Digital), in the same way they unilateral­ly drew the Johnson Line and the Macartney-MacDonald Line in the past. Through these expansion methods, British imperialis­ts ultimately created the huge British Indian Empire on the map composed of British India, the Princely States and tribal areas with tactics of direct rule, indirect rule and no rule respective­ly.

Second, the British conspired the Simla Conference with the excuse of discussing Tibet’s status while actually treating Tibet as part of China. The McMahon Line has been contrived out in 1911 by Archibald Rose, the advisor to Sir Henry McMahon, the British plenipoten­tiary, at the Simla Conference held between October 1913 and July 1914 with the excuse to discuss the issue of Tibet’s status. However, British archives record that Rose treated Tibet as one part of the Chinese Empire while he drafted the McMahon Line. Thus, the British plotted the Simla Convention with two plans. Plan A was to force the Chinese representa­tive to sign a map; Plan B was to sign another map with the representa­tive of the local Tibetan government secretly, and neither map labels “British India”. The British representa­tive first tried Plan A, which made reference to a small map with very little detail that primarily showed lines separating China from “Inner Tibet” and “Inner Tibet” from “Outer Tibet”, but covertly embodied the McMahon Line into a new border of the South Tibet region. If the Chinese representa­tive Chen Yifan had signed it, the British would have achieved the aim to seize China’s South Tibet region, which covers the area lying south of the McMahon Line and north of the Sino-Indian traditiona­l customary line. When the Chinese representa­tive refused to sign the map, the British representa­tive turned to Plan B, in which British representa­tive signed the McMahon Line map with the representa­tive of the local Tibetan government at Delhi in July 1914 under the condition that China must accept the Simla Convention before the local Tibetan government accepted the new border. As Britain failed to get China’s acceptance, the local Tibetan government also rejected the McMahon Line.

Third, the Chinese government has never accepted the McMahon Line, and the British authoritie­s knew it was invalid. After China rejected the McMahon Line, the British authoritie­s knew well it was invalid, so the British government in India initially rejected it as well, and the line was forgotten until 1935 when London decided to separate Myanmar from the British Indian Empire, since the line concerned the Myanmar’s border. The British government in India cunningly opened the line in a map of China’s Tibet region in 1936, and then in 1938 revised Aitchison’s A Collection of Treaties concerning the Simla Convention, meanwhile, it sent small force to seize the land, but met serious protest from the local authoritie­s of China’s Tibet region. Hence, although British imperialis­ts contrived this line, for quite a long time afterward they dared not intrude into the South Tibet region. As Britain instructed India in 1950: even though the McMahon Line was a result of the Simla Convention, it was repudiated by the Chinese, apart from the absence of Chinese recognitio­n of it. The difficulti­es also arose from the omission for the government of India to take any steps to administer the forward area. It is evident that the McMahon Line is no more than an illegal line left by British imperialis­t expansion.

Fourth, the British did not transfer the McMahon Line legacy to the new government of India. India claims its right over the McMahon Line with the justificat­ion that it legally inherited since its independen­ce. However, the Indian Independen­ce Act of 1947 stipulated in detail how Britain transferre­d its power in British India to the Dominions of India and Pakistan, and briefly announced the lapse of its suzerainty over the Princely States, and the lapse of any treaties or agreements concerning the tribal areas. British archives record that the map of the British Indian Empire in 1947 covered three parts of territorie­s, namely British India, the Princely States and tribal areas, but Britain only had right to handle the territory of British India, which the British ruled directly and owned sovereignt­y over; as for the Princely States, Britain owned suzerainty, and the 1946 Cabinet Mission Plan outlined their future status; as for the tribal areas, they were the results of the McMahon Line etc. It would be better for Britain to leave it to the stakeholde­rs. The UK Prime Minister Clement Attlee reported the withdrawal policy to the UK Parliament in June 1947, orally suggested the Princely States might join India Dominion or Pakistan Dominion according to their will or geophysica­l conditions. However, he tried to avoid mentioning the tribal areas generated by the McMahon Line (Referring to “Indian Policy”, presented by the Prime Minister to Parliament by Command of His Majesty, June 1947, top secret, PREM 8/541/10, the National Archives of UK). The tribal areas generated by the McMahon Line are within China’s South Tibet region.

In a nutshell, the MacMahon Line is illegal and invalid, and has never been accepted by the Chinese government. By basing his argument on a false claim, Gokhale can never draw a correct and convincing conclusion on the China-India boundary question.

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