Clarion Ledger

New feature attempts to answer reader questions

- Curious Mississipp­i

Why did the bear cross the Mississipp­i River? Well, to get to the other side — of course. Ever wondered where deer sleep? Apparently, big bucks sleep around, or so the experts say.

The last few days, we answered those questions. We answer many more queries on a regular basis. Starting with the new year, we want to answer reader questions directly.

Readers pose great questions. We will take the best of them and answer them as often as possible. The question doesn’t have to be geared toward the outdoors, though outdoors reporter Brian Broom has that covered. It can be serious or fun. Doesn’t matter.

Do you wonder how something in Jackson or state government works? We have reporters for those questions? Curious about why a street earned a name? We’ll do our best to find that out.

Have a question that’s neighborho­odcentric, say, maybe in Madison? We’ve got you.

We have history on our side as Mississipp­i’s oldest business, so we may have to comb the archives. Specific questions are the best.

The process is pretty simple. Email CuriousMis­sissippi@ClarionLed­, and we will review the questions. We will get to them as we can. The ones that are asked the most and have broad appeal will be answered earlier. It might take a little longer to answer an obscure or complicate­d question.

So, do you want to know what that building will be that is going up near your neighborho­od or what happens with your trash when it leaves your home? Why does that sports team have that unusual mascot? We will figure it out.

Be curious, Mississipp­i. We can’t wait to answer your questions in 2024 and beyond.

Curious Mississipp­i is a project from The Clarion Ledger and www.ClarionLed­ E-mail CuriousMis­sissippi@ClarionLed­, and we will answer as many questions as we can.

 ?? Mark M. Konradi Mississipp­i Clarion Ledger USA TODAY NETWORK ??
Mark M. Konradi Mississipp­i Clarion Ledger USA TODAY NETWORK

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