Clarion Ledger

Grandmothe­r has a habit of mentioning 1 grandchild


Memorial Day Marathon Continues

TCM, beginning at 7:45 a.m.

Turner Classic Movies’ several-day marathon of war- and military-themed films continues all day today with the following lineup of titles:

(1962) and

(1945), both set in World War II’s Pacific Theater;

(1943), a musical comedy made as a fundraiser during World War II and airing as part of TCM’s franchise; (1958), a World War II comedy/drama led by Andy Griffith; (1945), a World War II drama that earned costar Robert Mitchum a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination; the Best Picture-nominated

(1932), the first adaptation of Ernest Hemingway’s World War I-set novel;

(1956), director Robert Aldrich’s drama set during the latter months of the World War II campaign in Europe;

(1942), which follows members of the Royal Canadian Air Force in the skies over World War II

Europe; the melodrama

(1954), airing as part of TCM’s


(1954), a Korean War drama led by Van Johnson and Walter Pidgeon; (1951), cowriter/director John Huston’s adaptation of Stephen Crane’s Civil War novel, led by World War II hero-turnedacto­r Audie Murphy; and

(1942), which follows workers at an aircraft assembly plant in the months leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Dear Abby: I’m 42 and recently had my first baby. My brother is six years younger and has a baby who just turned 1. Our mom has a total of four biological grandkids and one step-grandchild. I know Mom loves all of them. She is a very caring and giving grandmothe­r. But lately, anytime I bring up my daughter in conversati­on, she automatica­lly starts talking about my brother’s baby. I have noticed this is happening a lot, and my boyfriend has noticed it also.

We were recently at a family party, and anytime anyone mentioned their kids or grandkids, Mom would walk over and start talking about my brother’s daughter. Don’t get me wrong, I love my niece. But Mom doesn’t talk about my daughter or my sister’s kids (teenagers) like she does my brother’s baby girl.

Am I wrong to feel that my mom needs to concentrat­e on my baby when she is around her? I get tired of her always bringing up my niece. My boyfriend is fed up with it, too, but hasn’t said anything to my mom. I honestly don’t think she does it intentiona­lly. Is this something I should address with her, or just let it be? – Ticked Off in Texas

Dear Ticked Off: Because this is bothering you enough that you would write to me, you absolutely should discuss this with your mother. And when you do, tell her your boyfriend has noticed it, too, and ask her why she feels it necessary to do this. She may be unaware she is doing it, and the effect it has been having on you.

Dear Abby: My boyfriend and I have been together for two years. We’ve had arguments about bedtime etiquette since the honeymoon phase wore off. There’s one bed in his three-bedroom house. I like to sleep in silence in darkness – I’ve always thought this was the ideal setting for quality sleep. My boyfriend, on the other hand, likes to sit up in bed with a dim light on while scrolling and playing videos on his phone while I’m next to him!

The first time I asked if maybe he could do that before coming to bed, he lost it and kicked me out of the bedroom. Since then, I have at least gotten him to turn off the lights, but he still watches videos and refuses to wear a headset or earbuds. He stays up much later than I do, so I can’t fall asleep until he’s ready. He says I am “overly sensitive” and gets upset when I go to sleep on the couch. We’ve had nasty fights about this, and I don’t understand how I’m unreasonab­le when I just want to sleep. I think he’s selfish. Who’s being unreasonab­le, and how can I manage to get quality sleep with a partner like this? – Sleep-deprived in the East

Dear Sleep-deprived: You are not unreasonab­le. Your boyfriend is controllin­g and inconsider­ate. You MUST take care of yourself. Sleep deprivatio­n can not only make a person a dangerous driver and less efficient at work, but it can also make a person sick.

If you are not living with this person full time, consider sleeping at your place on weeknights. If you are living in his home, consider moving. If your boyfriend is this unreasonab­le in other areas, “consider reconsider­ing” the relationsh­ip.

Contact Abby at

TURNER ?? Merrill’s Marauders They Were Expendable
They Were Expendable
ENTERTAINM­ENT CO. TURNER Merrill’s Marauders They Were Expendable They Were Expendable

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