Classic Toy Trains



Chris is one of the most visible toy train hobbyists on YouTube. His channel, RBP Trains, has about 20,000 subscriber­s. We asked him a few questions about the social media outlet:

Q. What prompted you to start your YouTube Channel?

A. It was Christmas 2020 and I was showing my brother-in-law the layout (early stages at the time) and he said to me, “You have to share this on YouTube!” I’d been watching train videos for years, enjoying listening to other hobbyists sharing their process and collection­s, and I thought, “I want in on this!”

Q. What’s been the best thing about your channel?

A. I’ve met friends from all over the country who share this hobby. These folks have become some of my closest friends and it motivates me and promotes growth of the hobby. I’ve even connected with an internatio­nal audience. I’ve been able to talk directly to product managers and dealers to learn more about how they go to market. There is so much excitement and growth around the hobby right now!

Q. Who helps you with the video?

A. I do all the recording, running, editing, and promotion. There are so many tools available that enable production at home. Trust me though, I’d enjoy a real production team helping me to polish the edges!

Q. How long does it take to shoot and produce each one?

A. About 12-18 hours; usually an evening recording trains and the next doing voiceovers. They have to be done after my kids go to sleep to ensure the house is silent for the audio recording!

Q. Anything else you’d like to add?

A. The hobby is meant to be fun. Trains are meant to bring us happiness and escape. Sit back, relax and enjoy.

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