Closer Weekly

“The day my son was born”



When she gave birth to Finn William Leeves Coben, recalls Jane Leeves, “I had this feeling of peace come over me, like nothing can hurt me now.” The Frasier actress had a daughter, Isabella, with TV exec Marshall

Coben in 2001. But on that Friday in 2003, six days before Christmas, she thought, “My life is perfect. I have a girl and a boy — and they’re both healthy — and a fantastic husband,” says Jane. “That continues to be the case.”

 ??  ?? Parenting teenagers “is never boring,” says Jane.
Parenting teenagers “is never boring,” says Jane.
 ??  ?? Jane co-starred on Frasier from 1993
to 2004.
Jane co-starred on Frasier from 1993 to 2004.

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