Closer Weekly


The six-time Emmy-winning news star balances her NYC work life with a home just across the river


Fox News host Harris Faulkner gives Closer the scoop on her family’s riverside digs.

Before Fox News host Harris Faulkner found her northern New Jersey home in 2016, things were getting a bit too close for comfort for her and her loved ones. “We were living south of here and outgrowing our space. I was about to put our second child in a shoe closet!” Harris, 51, tells Closer with a laugh. “We knew we wanted to face the Hudson River, and we walked around the neighborho­od as constructi­on was starting on this house. We caught it at just the right time.”

The four-bedroom, four-bath, 4,300-square-foot home, just a “hop, skip and a jump” from the water, was the perfect fit for Harris, her husband, Tony Berlin, 49, who runs his own PR firm, and their daughters, Bella, 10, and Danika, 7 — and the ideal location for her commute to the NYC Fox studio.

“The proximity to New York by boat is important, since we have snowstorms that make it hard to get

to work,” she explains. “If Captain Sully can land a plane safely in the Hudson, there’s no reason why I can’t get across it!” As an added bonus, with the ferry so close, the whole family enjoys access to

“city life, with a small-town feel.”

Being near the river also inspired her decor. “I call my style ‘transition’ — it’s modern, traditiona­l, functional and a bit nautical,” she says. “I have a mermaid in the entrancewa­y and pictures of myself on many boats I’ve been on.”

Harris was initially going to use a mainly gray color scheme until her late mom, Shirley, called her “a ‘monochroma­tic missy.’ She kept [reminding] me how much I love blue and said, ‘You need more blue in your life because it’s soothing, like the water.’ ”

Discoverin­g the house while it was being built allowed Harris to incorporat­e a special closet for her formal dresses and create her dream kitchen, with a lengthy island that can seat 12. “We’ve also got a little garden area out back, and a rooftop deck with a panoramic view,” she says. “In the quiet time I have before anyone wakes, I can watch the

“We started a family late in life, so now our biggest fascinatio­n is these girls!”

— Harris with Bella [left]

Tony and Danika

sun come up, do yoga and see life come alive in the city. It’s amazing!”

Harris also aimed for a spa-like atmosphere in her master bedroom, which is free of clutter and — like several other spaces — incorporat­es the abundant natural light. “I want to feel like I’m walking into Canyon Ranch!” she says, referring to the famed Arizona resort.

Tony doesn’t have to travel far for work or recreation, either: He runs his PR company from a first-floor bedroom that serves as his office and a “sports suite” where he plays Wii with the girls and recently watched March Madness basketball games. He also enjoys family movie night in the second-floor family room — on a 65-inch TV! “I now see it as a window with content,” Harris jokes.

For the kids, the couple encouraged Bella and Danika to decorate their own bedrooms, which (like the master) are on the third floor. “They each picked out their own desks. Danika liked one with sparkles, which are important,” Harris smiles. “If you are going to rise, you might as well shine!”

 ??  ?? “I asked the builder, ‘Can we have more
cabinets?’ He sketched my vision and sent it to me!”
“I asked the builder, ‘Can we have more cabinets?’ He sketched my vision and sent it to me!”
 ??  ?? “Tony wanted things for his height in the bathroom because he’s 6-foot-4!” Harris laughs.
Harris “wanted to take advantage of the height and light” in her master bedroom.
“Tony wanted things for his height in the bathroom because he’s 6-foot-4!” Harris laughs. Harris “wanted to take advantage of the height and light” in her master bedroom.
 ??  ?? “I’ve reached a point in my life where quiet time is just as important as action time” — and Harris finds it at home.
“I’ve reached a point in my life where quiet time is just as important as action time” — and Harris finds it at home.
 ??  ?? “The fireplace makes everyone feel cozy, and I put in swivel chairs so everyone has a view,” she says. “We love
making breakfast! Danika likes to stir and Bella loves
to chop.” “Danika wanted some lavender in her room, like her big sister!”
“The fireplace makes everyone feel cozy, and I put in swivel chairs so everyone has a view,” she says. “We love making breakfast! Danika likes to stir and Bella loves to chop.” “Danika wanted some lavender in her room, like her big sister!”
 ??  ??

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