Closer Weekly



From The Hit to The Hateful Eight, revisit Tim Roth’s storied Hollywood career.

“My career is bonkers. It is all over the place. And I like it that way.”

— Tim

GROWING UP in South London, Tim Roth carried a secret. “I was an abused kid,” he explained. “Not by my immediate family, but yeah. And if you’re an abused kid, and you hold that inside — that’s your first acting gig, you know, and a pretty tough one.” And yet Tim proved resilient, often finding catharsis in roles, whether they be a robber in Pulp Fiction or the villainous Abominatio­n in The Incredible Hulk. But, Tim, who turns 57 on May 14, has found the most contentmen­t in his role as a husband and father of three. “You only can do what you can do, which is why I don’t have a career plan at all. I just keep going, I don’t know what’s coming next.”

1 1984 CRASH COURSE For his feature debut, Tim played the driver in the road-trip movie The Hit. The problem? “I couldn’t drive. I had to learn in only a few hours, and I did almost crash and take out [my co-stars] John Hurt and Terence Stamp.”

2 1990 BIG PICTURE Tim was off in Ethiopia shooting Vincent & Theo when he got word his father had died. “Vincent [van Gogh] was my dad’s hero and I’d based that character on his feelings about him. I couldn’t get back for his funeral, but he was cremated with a photo of me as Vincent and some sunflowers.”

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