Closer Weekly

A Girl’s Joy Is Made in the Shade


“I like [my tree house] because it’s big and it has a lot of stuff!”

— Kaia

Four-year-old Kaia Ettingoff is allergic to the sun, but a tree house made her dream come true. The Wayne, Pa., girl suffers from a rare illness called dermatomyo­sitis, which can lead to muscle damage or even death, and keeps her inside when other kids are out playing. So her parents, Dave and Kate Ettingoff, contacted the Make-AWish Foundation, which partnered with EDA Contractor­s, carpenters and roofers to make Kaia a backyard tree house where she can have fun away from the sun. It was unveiled in May, complete with Harry Potter toys and decor. “It’s incredible,” said Kate. “Kaia picked such an amazing wish — she’ll play here from morning to night.”

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