2024 Healthcare Guide

Potential signs of kidney disease


Chronic kidney disease is a significan­t threat to millions of people across the globe. According to the National Kidney Foundation®, 10 percent of the worldwide population is affected by CKD, which affects people of all ages and races.

Though there is no cure for CKD, the kidney health experts at World Kidney Day note that treatment can slow or halt the progressio­n of the disease. That underscore­s the importance of learning to recognize potential signs of kidney disease.

• Energy loss: The NKF notes that a severe decrease in kidney function can cause toxins and impurities to build up in the blood, resulting in feelings of fatigue and weakness. Such a buildup also can make it hard for individual­s to concentrat­e. Anemia, a blood disorder characteri­zed by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood, is a complicati­on of kidney disease and can cause weakness and fatigue.

• Difficulty sleeping: Kidneys that are not functionin­g properly will not effectivel­y filter toxins in the blood and expel them through urine. The NKF notes that individual­s may experience difficulty sleeping when toxins remain in their blood.

• Blood in urine: Blood in the urine can be indicative of a host of conditions, including tumors, kidney stones or an infection. But it also can indicate CKD, as healthy kidneys are often effective at keeping blood cells in the body while they filter waste. The Mayo Clinic notes that certain foods, including beets and berries, can affect the color of urine. But urine should generally range from a pale yellow color to a deep amber. Any visible sign of blood in urine or urine that is dark or orange in color should be brought to the attention of a healthcare provider right away.

• Dry, itchy skin: Dry, itchy skin may not seem like a potential indicator of kidney problems, but the NKF reports that such a symptom may indicate the presence of a bone disease that often accompanie­s advanced kidney disease. These symptoms appear because the kidneys can no longer help the body maintain an appropriat­e balance of minerals and nutrients in the blood.

• Increased urge to urinate: The NKF notes that this symptom often occurs at night and is a byproduct of damage to the kidney filters.

Some additional signs of kidney disease include foamy urine, persistent puffiness around the eyes, swollen ankles and feet, and muscle cramps. World Kidney Day reports that individual­s can lose up to 90 percent of their kidney function before they experience any symptoms and most people with CKD experience no symptoms until the condition has reached an advanced stage. However, learning to recognize potential indicators of kidney disease and reporting them to a healthcare profession­al can lead to early detection and potentiall­y slow the progressio­n of the disease.

 ?? METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION­PHOTO ?? Chronic kidney disease is a significan­t threat to millions of people across the globe.
METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION­PHOTO Chronic kidney disease is a significan­t threat to millions of people across the globe.

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