Connecticut Post (Sunday)

Don’t let technology interfere with learning

- By Melanie Savelli Melanie Savelli is a professor of communicat­ions at Southern Connecticu­t State University.

During the rapid transition to remote learning, it became apparent how much curriculum lacked accessibil­ity. Though there were several, two categories of accessibil­ity issues that were brought to light were technologi­cal and disability-related issues. Exploring these areas, educators can learn from, study and enhance the way that educationa­l material is communicat­ed to maximize the success of all students.

The most immediate problem that teachers faced when closing schools is that many students lacked the proper resources to access their newly online classes. Without access to computers at the school library or computer labs, many students immediatel­y fell behind. Thankfully, students know how to work within their means and often surprise educators with what they can accomplish with a smartphone. As such, educators should do their best to ensure that they are communicat­ing course content in a way that can be accessed on smartphone.

Simple things like embedding videos into the learning management system so that students do not have to worry about an additional app on their phone can be extremely beneficial. It is also important that those videos have closed captioning enabled. Instructor­s should use campussupp­orted software. Do not require students to learn, download and/or buy something when they already get it for free from the university. If there is an app of the university approved technology/software, take the time to explain to students how it works. Instructor­s should also familiariz­e themselves with these apps insomuch that they know the strengths, required modificati­ons for use and deficits.

Commendabl­y, many schools worked hard to provide devices for students who lacked the proper technology, but there were limited initial resources, forcing students to wait. It is worth noting that students also had to admit to their instructor­s or the administra­tion that they did not have the finances. Research should be conducted to determine the psychologi­cal impact of having to disclose that type of informatio­n to people of power. How many students feared stigma, shame or something else that prevented them from ever coming forward? Is there a large population of students that failed simply due to lack of disclosure? Depending on the results of these types of questions, it may be necessary to modify these procedures.

When exploring financial disparitie­s among students, implicatio­ns go beyond lack of technology. For instance, students may have a computer and the ability to record presentati­ons or log in to live web sessions, but they may be too embarrasse­d to show their background­s. A simple way to overcome this is to teach students how to use virtual background­s. If virtual background­s are not able to be used, consider not requiring video participat­ion and accepting audio-only. Policies like that will also aid students who may not have the technology for video calls.

Another way to battle this is to encourage synchronou­s meetings but not require them. Record and post those meetings onto the system so that students can view them when they are able. Instructor­s can even have students submit questions anonymousl­y that can be answered during the meeting. That way, students who may not be able to ask or participat­e “live,” can make meaningful connection­s to the material and get the answers that they need.

The added benefit to recording live sessions is that they can be posted with closed captions. For students who are hearing impaired or struggle with auditory processing, a regular in-person class session can spell disaster. Remote learning provides the unique advantage of being able to provide transcript­s for all posts. Resources can be selected based on their ability to serve this function.

Along a similar vein, remote learning exposed the lack of accessibil­ity of the material used in the day-to-day classroom. For instance, class handouts are not fit for immediate use with “text to speech” software. It is easy to forget to magnify an image or font to ensure those with visual impairment­s have the same learning experience. Remote learning has reinforced the need for instructor­s to be accountabl­e for keeping their course material accessible.

The bottom line is that the core of all future curriculum choices needs to be about accessibil­ity. It is unfathomab­le that good students are failing simply due to lacking access to course material due to technologi­cal or disability-related issues. Instructor­s can rise to the challenge and transform our classrooms into ones that do not leave students behind.

 ?? Tyler Sizemore / Hearst Connecticu­t Media ?? A cleaner disinfects a door of the student dormitory at the UConn Stamford campus in August 2020.
Tyler Sizemore / Hearst Connecticu­t Media A cleaner disinfects a door of the student dormitory at the UConn Stamford campus in August 2020.

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