Connecticut Post

Busy year for public campaign financing

Governor candidates aren’t taking funding, but are staying close to guidelines

- By Ken Dixon

For the first time since it took effect in statewide political campaigns in 2010, neither candidate for governor will participat­e in the public financing program that was created to check corruption and eliminate special-interest money.

But the refusal of the two candidates for governor to join the voluntary Citizens’ Election Fund this year does not signal the death knell of the program. In fact, it’s never been stronger. The two finalists, businessma­n Ned Lamont, of Greenwich, and Bob Stefanowsk­i, of Madison, are mostly adhering to the key requiremen­t of the CEF: contributi­on limits of $100.

An analysis by the State Elections Enforcemen­t Commission shows while they are self-funding their campaigns, only 4 percent of Lamont’s contributi­ons have exceeded the $100 limit of the CEF. Stefanowsk­i, a former businessma­n who used his millions to petition his way onto the primary ballot and bombard the state with TV commercial­s as far back as January, has accepted about 29 percent of his contributi­ons in excess of $100.

The SEEC said Stefanowsk­i and Lamont are accepting virtually no contributi­ons from state contractor­s or lobbyists. That was a goal of the program since the bipartisan 2005 legislatio­n was signed into law by Gov. M. Jodi Rell after scandals including the corruption cases that sent John G. Rowland, the former Republican governor, and Ernie Newton, a Democratic state lawmaker from Bridgeport, to federal prison on corruption charges.

Grants up

Michael J. Brandi, executive director and chief counsel for the SEEC, said Tuesday that his agency, which sustained a 40 percent budget cut in 2011, saw a 32 percent increases in grants for political primaries this year compared to 2014. Candidates received a 69 percent increase in contributi­ons compared to the 2014 race, when Gov. Dannel P. Malloy won re-election over Tom Foley, who self-funded in 2010 and participat­ed in the CEF in 2014.

“The run of the program this year is one of the most successful in history,” Brandi said in an interview. “When the Republican­s started this process, three out of the five candidates for governor did participat­e.”

Lamont’s unsuccessf­ul Democratic challenger, Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim, was ruled ineligible for participat­ion in the CEF because of the earlier corruption conviction landed him in federal prison for seven years.

Although Lamont and Stefanowsk­i aren’t participat­ing, about 260 other candidates are on track to join the program this summer and fall. With no governors to fund, the program saves $1.35 million in primary support and $6.5 million for the general election, per candidate.

“The narrative out there is false,” Brandi said of the reported demise of public funding. “We’ve seen more competitio­n in the primaries, and this year there will probably be a record number of participan­ts.”

Claims of unfairness

All five lieutenant governor candidates and four of five candidates for attorney general participat­ed in the CEF. Originally estimated at between $29 million and $44 million, the cost of this year’s campaigns may end up closer to $25 million, according to the SEEC.

But Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton, who won the GOP endorsemen­t at the May convention, said Monday apparent staff shortages in the state’s election watchdog might have slowed his campaign. His bigger complaint is party rules allowed Stefanowsk­i to avoid the traditiona­l format of campaignin­g.

“It’s just not a good setup,” Boughton said of Stefanowsk­i’s petition campaign and refusal to have his name put before the convention for a vote.

“The first guy on the air wins,” Boughton said. “If you get your face shown around the state, you’re going to win the election. So you don’t have to go to the town committee meetings, the pig roasts, the dinner dances, or the convention. The current process is ruined, so we should go to a direct primary in May, so Republican­s and Democrats can spend the summer meeting voters.”

“Yes, millionair­es will be fighting amongst them-

selves for the top electedoff­icial job in the state,” said Cheri Quickmire, executive director of Common Cause in Connecticu­t, the election watchdog group. “But it’s important to remember in all the down-ticket elections, the program remains robust. It’s a strong program that offers a chance to run for those who could not otherwise.”

She agreed with Boughton that to give candidates for governor a better chance against millionair­es, the program requires revisions.

“We need to make sure those in the program can get their funding earlier and actualize their campaigns before the last minute,” she said. “We have done nothing but de-fund the SEEC for years.”

Boughton said on April 10, he filed his request for the $1.35 million grant to run the primary under the CEF. He and other GOP candidates, including Tim Herbst, of Trumbull, and Steve Obsitnik, of Westport, didn’t get their CEF grants until July.

“That was months without feedback,” Boughton said, stressing he is supporting Stefanowsk­i. “To be fair to SEEC, they’re shortstaff­ed, I get it. But I think SEEC is broken beyond repair. Three people respected the process and other people did an end run around the process. The party didn’t reward the people who respected the process.”

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