Connecticut Post

A simple smile can prove inspiring for everybody

- From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Dear Dr. Graham: I am discourage­d about the world we live in today. There is so much turmoil and dread for tomorrow. Though I read my Bible, just listening to the news is discouragi­ng. It is hard to find a glimmer of good. I can’t even escape in my own house. What can a person do to overcome such despair? D.P.

Dear D.P.: Smile. Be that “glimmer” for someone else who may be more discourage­d than you. While our tendency is to live in the past and sometimes dread the future, it is important to remember that the devil wants us to live discourage­d lives. If we focus on what is bad we pull the shade on future’s light.

Desire an outgoing, outflowing life in the context of eternity. When Jesus left this earth after his resurrecti­on, he said, “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send him to you” ( John 16:7). That Helper is the holy spirit of the living God.

Do not be trapped by the world’s darkness. If you belong to Jesus Christ you are a child of light. Remember, if you are discourage­d, imagine how much more discourage­d others are. Make a point to be pleasant and smile. People from every race and culture respond to a smile. Try it and you will see.

Find a smile for your family, neighbors, co-workers and, yes, even strangers. You will find that you will leave your house each day with a sweeter spirit.

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