Connecticut Post

Murphy’s interest in global affairs shapes Democratic policy

- By Ana Radelat

WASHINGTON — Sen. Chris Murphy has emerged as a leading Democratic voice on foreign policy, helping his party forge an alternativ­e to Trump administra­tion initiative­s —and raising his profile in an area that could advance his political career.

Since President Donald Trump assumed office at the beginning of 2017, Murphy, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has increased his focus on foreign policy matters. But he’s been active in that arena much longer than that.

In December 2013, he made a trip with the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., to show support for Ukrainians who wanted greater independen­ce from Russia.

Most recently, in April, he traveled with another Republican senator, Mitt Romney of Utah, to the Middle East ahead of the Trump administra­tion’s release of its peace proposal — expected in June — for Israel and Palestine.

Since his election to Congress, Murphy has made at least a dozen overseas trips. He’s also a frequent speaker at Washington D.C. think tanks that focus on foreign policy.

All those trips and speeches, as well as his work in Congress, op-eds and frequent tweets, contain a common thread — criticism of the Trump administra­tion’s approach to global affairs that has resulted in a shrunken diplomatic corps and a harder line against U.S. foes, most recently Venezuela and Iran.

“Trump’s America First agenda is pulling America out of the world,” Murphy said. ”If we are not present in other parts of the world, other countries, like China and Russia, will dominate the world. That’s really terrible.”

Although Murphy has reached out to Republican­s like McCain and Romney on issues of foreign policy, Emma Ashford, a research fellow on foreign policy at the Cato Institute, said the senator’s greatest accomplish­ment is helping Democrats reshape their policy on foreign affairs.

“The senator’s views are increasing­ly what you see in the Democratic Party today,” Ashford says.

She said Murphy has been ahead of most other Democrats in proposing a non-interventi­onist role in Israel and that the senator’s ideas are catching on in his party, where they are now considered “mainstream.”

“It’s really obvious foreign affairs is where he wants to put his efforts,” Ashford said. “And there’s a place in Congress for strong voices in foreign policy.”

Murphy’s views center on increased diplomacy and trade and, with some exceptions, less military interventi­on – the polar opposite of the Trump doctrine.

His latest concern centers on the Trump administra­tion’s threats against Iran, saying a conflict with Tehran is “totally avoidable” and that president is “engaged in a series of blind escalation­s without any endgame.”

As he has before, Murphy has called on Congress to reclaim its war-making authority through the passage of legislatio­n limiting the Trump administra­tion’s authority to launch new military conflicts or expand existing ones.

The latest flareup with Iran was prompted by a report by unidentifi­ed U.S. officials who say they have seen photograph­s of missiles on small boats in the Persian Gulf that were put on board by Iranian paramilita­ry forces. Tensions escalated even further after an incident with four tankers off the United Arab Emirates on Sunday. U.S. investigat­ors believe Iran is behind an attack on those tankers, but Iran says it has nothing to do with the incident and there is no proof it does.

While Murphy and other Democrats call for restraint, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo ordered the evacuation of U.S. embassy personnel in Tehran and engaged in diplomatic saber rattling.

“We have also made clear to the Iranians that if American interests are attacked, we will most certainly respond in an appropriat­e fashion,” Pompeo said.

While Murphy is becoming a national figure in diplomatic affairs, he said his work on foreign policy is based in part on his job representi­ng Connecticu­t interests.

“One of the primary responsibi­lities in being a member of Congress is keeping your constituen­cy safe from harm,” Murphy said. “There are a lot of people who want to do harm to us around the world, and I want to play a role in reducing the likelihood that anything like Sept. 11 ever happens again.”

He also said increased U.S. military involvemen­t overseas means more Connecticu­t men and women will be sent to fight wars.

“So, I think in perilous times like this, part of the job descriptio­n of a U.S. senator is to play a role in national security and foreign policy,” Murphy said, adding, “I’m also not blind to the fact that there is a legacy of U.S. senators from Connecticu­t playing a role in the world.”

“Both Joe Lieberman and Chris Dodd were very active in global affairs. I think that elevated their stature in the Senate,” Murphy said. “I don’t think I’ll ever fill the shoes of Joe Lieberman or Chris Dodd, but I think there’s a model there that’s worth pursuing.”

Dodd made his name battling U.S. involvemen­t in the wars in Central America in the 1980s and through his efforts to ease the U.S. economic embargo on Cuba. Lieberman was known for his strong support of Israel and his Middle East initiative­s.

Filling a Democratic vacuum

Perhaps Murphy’s biggest victory in the foreign policy arena is Congress’ approval of a resolution that would end Saudi-led military interventi­on against Houthi rebels in Yemen.

After several years of failing to win enough support for his legislatio­n, the resolution was finally approved by the House and Senate this year with bipartisan support. But Trump vetoed the bill earlier this month.

Still, congressio­nal approval of the Yemen resolution set the stage for the next fight over U.S. involvemen­t in that nation’s civil war and showed Trump there was GOP opposition to his policy, inherited largely from Obama.

Murphy also led the push to sanction Saudi Arabia, especially after the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, whose assassinat­ion last year was believed to be ordered by the kingdom’s government.

 ?? Saul Loeb / Getty Images ?? U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy
Saul Loeb / Getty Images U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy

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