Connecticut Post

What you need to know about measles

- By Dr. Paul Nee Dr. Paul Nee is an Infectious Diseases Specialist at Danbury and New Milford Hospitals.

As a practicing Infectious Diseases physician for almost 20 years, I have seen and diagnosed many common and unusual infections. One infection I have been fortunate to never have encountere­d in Danbury is measles.

Measles has been making headlines in 2019 with recent outbreaks occurring on a cruise ship, on several college campuses, and in communitie­s in the New York metropolit­an area and other areas of the country. According to recently published data by the Connecticu­t Department of Public Health, the overall measles immunizati­on rates of Connecticu­t school children is more than 98 percent. However, there are still areas with incredibly low rates of immunizati­on, leaving our children and neighbors vulnerable to contractin­g measles.

I recognize that choosing to get vaccinated is a personal choice. As a physician who sees how infectious diseases can affect people, I’d like to take this time to provide informatio­n I hope you will find useful.

Measles Stats

So far this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 704 individual measles cases across 22 states — the highest number of reported measles cases in the United States since 1994. As of early May, health officials reported 214 measles cases in Rockland County, New York, and confirmed 423 cases in Brooklyn and Queens. Both outbreaks in New York began in late 2018.

These sobering statistics confirm what public health officials have known for decades — the measles vaccine is an important, safe, and effective tool for preventing measles in the community. Misinforma­tion about the disease and vaccine is rampant on social media and the internet promoting fear and anxiety.

About Measles

Measles, also called rubeola, is a viral infection that can be spread easily from person to person through airborne respirator­y droplets that are released when a contagious person breathes, coughs or sneezes. Because the measles virus can remain in the air for up to two hours, a susceptibl­e person can contract measles just by being in a room that a person with measles occupied.

Measles also spreads easily because some people may not realize they have the disease. Early symptoms, such as dry cough, fever, runny nose, and red eyes (conjunctiv­itis), are similar to other common illnesses. The most recognizab­le sign of measles is a skin rash, but the rash usually does not develop until a few days after early symptoms begin. In fact, the rash may not develop until 21 days after exposure to measles. Although rare, some people may never develop the rash. There is no treatment for measles other than supportive care with over-thecounter fever-reducing medication­s, fluids, and rest.

If you have symptoms of measles or have been exposed to the disease, you should call your health care provider and let them know that you think you might have measles. You do not need to visit the hospital unless you have complicati­ons which require emergency care. Your health care provider can accurately diagnose your condition and help you take steps to avoid spreading the disease to others.

If you do visit your health care provider’s office, it’s crucial that you let them know you might have been exposed to measles so that they can take the proper precaution­s to prevent infecting others. Who is at risk for getting measles? Measles is highly contagious. According to public health officials, most of the recent measles cases have occurred in people who have not received the measles vaccine. If you have not been vaccinated and are exposed to measles, you can have a 90 percent chance of contractin­g the disease.

Infants, pregnant women, seniors, and people with compromise­d immune systems (such as people with leukemia or lymphoma) are at the highest risk of getting measles and developing further complicati­ons. This could be your baby, the child next door, your neighbor, or your grandparen­ts.

Although the symptoms of measles themselves are usually not serious, these higher-risk individual­s can develop ear infections or other more severe complicati­ons such as pneumonia. Most of the children recently hospitaliz­ed because of measles have had pneumonia. Another dangerous complicati­on of measles is encephalit­is, swelling of the brain, which can cause seizures and permanent brain damage. Severe complicati­ons of measles may even lead to death.

Safe, Effective Measles Prevention

The measles vaccine is a safe, effective, and easy way to prevent measles. The vaccine helps your body develop antibodies against the measles virus, which allows your immune system to fight off the virus after you are exposed.

After receiving two doses of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, 97- to 99-percent of people can be protected against measles. If you have already received two doses of the MMR vaccine, you can continue with normal activities and do not need to drasticall­y alter your life due to measles outbreaks.

Although most people receive both doses of the MMR vaccine as children, it’s never too late to receive it. Most adults who were fully vaccinated as children do not need an MMR booster shot. It’s important for unvaccinat­ed adults who are not pregnant to receive the vaccine. The vaccine also can be given up to 72 hours after exposure to measles and may provide some protection or reduce symptoms.

Getting the measles vaccine does more than just protect you and your children — it also protects people in your community.

Protect Yourself and Your Community

One hundred years ago, infections were the leading cause of death in the United States with most deaths occurring in children under the age of 5. The prevention of measles and infectious diseases through use of vaccines, antibiotic­s, and advances in public health is a truly remarkable accomplish­ment of medicine.

Modern vaccine programs are an effective medical and public health developmen­t that have helped eradicate deadly infections that used to kill millions of people every year. Unfortunat­ely, these diseases are now coming back due to misinforma­tion about the safety of the vaccines, even though study after study has proven that vaccines are safe.

Getting the measles vaccine does more than just protect you and your children — it also protects people in your community who are unable to receive the vaccine or who are at a higher risk of contractin­g the disease and developing serious complicati­ons.

Recently, I’ve been seeing memes and conversati­ons on social media justifying avoiding vaccinatio­n and downplayin­g the seriousnes­s of measles. If you have questions or concerns about measles or the measles vaccine, you should talk to a trusted health care provider. Your health care provider can assess your risk factors and vaccinatio­n status, as well as provide accurate, evidence-based health and vaccine informatio­n.

 ?? Tribune Content Agency / Donna Grethen ??
Tribune Content Agency / Donna Grethen

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