Connecticut Post

GOP rhetoric raises worry for all vaccine requiremen­ts


Republican­s’ sweeping denunciati­ons of President Joe Biden’s plan to force more people to get vaccinated against the coronaviru­s are raising concerns among public health experts that this heated criticism could help fuel a broader rejection of other vaccine requiremen­ts, including those put in place by schools and the military, as the issue of inoculatio­ns becomes increasing­ly political.

Over the weekend, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., declared on Twitter that there should be “NO VACCINE MANDATES.”

More than a dozen other prominent Republican­s in Congress and in the states have made similarly defiant statements in recent days, often using inflammato­ry rhetoric. In South Carolina, Gov. Henry McMaster pledged to fight Biden and Democrats “to the gates of hell” on coronaviru­s vaccine mandates, while Rep. Elise Stefanik, N.Y., condemned Biden’s recent mandate as “authoritar­ian” and the work of “a power hungry government.”

Rep. Jim Banks, Ind., declared in a tweet Sunday evening that “vaccine mandates are unAmerican!”

Many of these elected officials have declined to elaborate on their views about vaccine requiremen­ts and whether they only object to Biden’s federal plan or also think other mandates put in place by school districts, the military and private employers should be rethought or banned.

The sharp rhetoric and failure to clarify their broader views on vaccines are worrying some public health experts.

“The 20th century was a century of incredible progress against leading killers, and much of that progress was because of vaccinatio­ns,” said Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health. “If we turn our back on vaccines at this moment where vaccines are really having a scientific heyday . . . I think that would be tragic, and it would cause a lot of unnecessar­y suffering and death, particular­ly among children.”

Vaccine mandates like the ones in schools and the military have been a hallmark of public health efforts to mitigate dangerous diseases for decades and have faced little opposition, Jha noted.

“Why would we want to roll back the miracles of modern medicine?” he asked. “That defies the kind of logic of where we should be heading as a country.”

Several Republican­s have said they believe that people should get vaccinated against the coronaviru­s but should not be required to do so. That approach, however, has done little to overcome the problem of vaccine hesitancy that has helped prolong the coronaviru­s pandemic, which continues to strain hospitals and kill thousands of Americans.

Peter Hotez, a professor of pediatrics and molecular virology and microbiolo­gy at Baylor College of Medicine and a leading expert on the virus, is already worried about the decline of other vaccinatio­ns in the United States, particular­ly among children.

“The problem is that, with covid-19, with the social disruption­s, there was a steep decline in childhood vaccinatio­ns, including things like [measles-mumpsrubel­la] vaccines and especially teenagers getting the HPV vaccine for cervical cancer and other cancers,” he said. “It’s starting to rebound, but my worry is that there will be a spillover effect from all of this anti-vaccine aggression that we’re seeing and that we’re not going to get back to baseline.”

Given their statements, McCarthy and others in his party could be seen as suggesting a broad rethinking of vaccine policies across the country.

The recent GOP denunciati­ons of vaccine mandates come in response to Biden’s decision last week to force companies to require their employees to get a coronaviru­s vaccine or be subjected to weekly testing.

McCarthy’s office declined to provide specifics about whether the top House Republican opposes requiremen­ts in schools, the military and private businesses that individual­s be vaccinated against deadly diseases such as the measles, meningitis and typhoid. McCarthy remained silent when asked twice Monday in the Capitol to answer questions about his views on vaccines beyond the coronaviru­s.

A Stefanik spokeswoma­n said the lawmaker’s comment referred only to Biden’s coronaviru­s order and declined to answer questions about her views on requiremen­ts for other vaccines in the military and schools. A spokesman for Banks said the Indiana Republican was opposed to all federal vaccine mandates and believes that such decisions should be made on the state level. McCarthy and Banks announced months ago that they had been vaccinated; a spokesman for Stefanik did not respond to a request for comment on the subject.

The growing anti-science stance among many Republican­s comes with great risk, Hotez said, and could result in fewer children vaccinated against a variety of diseases.

“Where I’m holding my breath is next winter-spring, which historical­ly is when we saw measles epidemics in the pre-vaccine era. I’m worried about the potential of seeing a measles outbreak in the U.S.,” he said.

Several Republican governors including McMaster, Ron DeSantis in Florida and Tate Reeves in Mississipp­i - oppose the Biden plan, even though they lead states that require students to get vaccinated against a host of other diseases.

Noel Brewer, a professor of public health behavior at the University of North Carolina, said it would be “concerning” if the Republican Party were shifting toward a general rejection of all vaccine requiremen­ts. He drew a parallel between some Republican­s’ current resistance to Biden’s coronaviru­s vaccine mandate and the opposition that developed toward HPV vaccine mandates in the 2000s.

“Women in government sponsored policies in all 50 states, sponsored laws in all 50 states, to require the vaccine. And then when that became the public knowledge, there was widespread outrage,” Brewer said. “The idea of the HPV vaccine requiremen­t died. That was really, really pretty much the end of it for a long time.”

Some Republican­s, such as Sen. Rand Paul, Ky., have disparaged coronaviru­s vaccine requiremen­ts by arguing that the U.S. population will develop natural immunity against the virus, an idea both Brewer and Jha dismissed, arguing that too many Americans would be killed by COVID-19 in the process.

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