Country Sampler

Tiny Treasures


Good things often come in small packages. That’s especially true for country collectibl­es, including many of those found in Renee Campbell’s charming Madison Heights, Virginia, farmhouse. She is always seeking to ensure that her favorite finds not appear as clutter, and she offers the following tips for gathering in tiny treasures and finessing small storage with style:


Highlight one collection with another. “I use crocks, firkins, bowls and baskets not only as stand-alone collection­s, but ways to display smaller collectibl­es and seasonal items,” Renee says. Mark collects printer-type trays and searches for printers’ blocks that were used for printing in days gone by. The couple often showcase thimbles and other diminutive decor within trays mounted on the wall.


Store goods in plain sight. For year-round decor, Renee tucks old molds and kitchen gadgets, butter paddles and artificial herbs into larger items so their shapes and colors can provide a decorative touch even when they are not in use.


Incorporat­e a backdrop to make tiny items stand out, whether draping fabric behind pewter pieces, selecting candles to match a painting in the background, or arranging petite goods in a pint-size box or on a small shelf within a larger grouping.


Help little pieces attract notice by giving them a boost, like Renee did when she situated a swan figure atop a spice box on her family room mantel. The box not only gives the swan greater prominence but also provides a buffer between it and the white surface. Cake stands, small risers or benches, and even stacks of books can be pressed into service for the same effect.

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