Country Woman

O’ Rosemary Tree

Share the spirit with a fragrant and festive gift that keeps on giving.


At this time of year, forests of wee Christmas trees often spring up in grocery store floral department­s. Many will be pine, but lean in to smell some of them and you’ll be treated to a distinct herbal scent. These are rosemary trees.

In the right conditions, rosemary grows into bushy evergreen shrubs, reaching up to 5 feet in warm climates. But when planted in small containers, they can be pruned into cone shapes, making perfect tiny Christmas trees that will beautify any kitchen. And when dinner requires a pinch of the fresh-picked herb, well, voila!

Bring one, festively decorated with baubles and ribbons, for the hostess during holiday parties. What better way to share the spirit of the season than with a travel-sized tree, perfect for a buffet table or the kitchen windowsill?

The Mediterran­ean native likes full sunlight with some air circulatio­n. Make sure it’s planted in soil that drains well, and let it dry out between waterings. To keep the tree as a houseplant, prune as needed, cutting only the tender new shoots and not the old wood. Or plant it outdoors when the weather warms up—and let it grow, let it grow, let it grow.

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